Chapter 13

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Sandy's POV* 

For once, I was beyond happy for being here, unable to see all reactions from utter world, that felt like space for me by now. And just by seeing the interview Harry had made yesterday, by himself, made my stomach turn. It was about me, about the 'rumour' that son of a bitch, Dave, felt like telling the world. And Harry had made as I told him, said that it was true, but that it was my place to tell them, if I even wanted to.

To see the look in his eyes when the guy who interviewed him brought this up, was heartbreaking. And through the whole time, Sarah sat beside me, as scared as I was, and held my hands, comforting me since I was on edge to tears from the minute it started. And now, I've never been happier for not having social media here. I was almost sure that my twitter-mentions was blowing up with hate from this. And what I thought was most common, was that Harry just feels sorry for me. And I'm not even sure I wanna read all comments about this, or face the world for that matter. 

We all knew how much Demi Lovato got when she got help, not that I'm famous, but honestly, I'm scared. I know how society works, how they kick the one's who's already on the ground, unable to get up by themselves. 

When the guy asked him what his family thought about all this, if they knew, he just simply answered that they know, and they supports me, as they should do. And that comment along, made me sob, repeating over and over again that it was unbelievable that I had found someone as him; he was more than perfect in my eyes. An I had already decided that I was going to hug the life outta him when he comes and gets me and Sarah, who was looking at me with a frown. 

She had been checking on me pretty often, seeing if Ii was okay, along with Donna. I had been in a bipolar state, mostly because it was that awesome week every girl despise as much as the plague. I had been crying nonstop for three hours yesterday, by seeing Harry's face on the TV. And I was shocked when it started, because I hadn't had my period for quite a while now, because of my lack of daily food. And when I realized what it was, I cried even more, realizing that I could become a mum someday; something I had been sad for, without Harry knowing. I didn't want to scare him, and say that I wanted kids someday. Because honestly, if it meant staying with him, I could wait a few years before settle down to a calm life. If I ever will have anything close to calm life though.

But the hard thing was that Sarah found me when I cried happy tears, and she wanted a explanation. So, I managed to sob out that I could be a mum again, which caught her off guard a bit. Poor girl, I think I scared her a bit honestly. I would be scared too if I found her crying, and then sobbing out how happy she was that she had her period. It doesn't seem legit, honestly. 

But I am who I am, and I want kids in the future, kids to love and care about, and make sure doesn't end up here like I did. I've learned from my mistakes, and I don't want my future loved ones to do the same mistakes as I have done. It would break not only me, but Harry too! If he want kids with me, of course. Because I wouldn't blame him if he left if I ever brought that question up. Didn't matter how much Sarah told me he owuldn't leave me for a thing like that, I can't help but being paranoid.

Me and Sarah currently sat in the cafeteria, about to eat lunch. I was looking at the plate in front of me, that contained by chicken, rise, and lots of salad. It takes time to recover from eating disorders, and they don't think I'll be able to do it fully until I gets home, so I can talk to all my loved ones; family, Harry, the lads. But I was getting better, I didn't feel the urge to throw up or train whenever I ate, even if I mainly ate vegetables. 

"Are you just gonna stare on the poor chicken?" Sarah asked from beside me, as she took a cucumber on her fork, and brought it up to her mouth.

"No,  I'm going to eat." I mumbled, and started to poke on it with my own fork. To say that she was doing better than me, it actually was true. She had been here more than me, too. And I found out this is the second time she's here. 

"It doesn't quite look like that, hun." She mumbled, and showed a piece of the chicken in her mouth. I took a tomato and showed it in my mouth, showing her that I was eating. She smiled, and rolled her eyes at me, nodding with approval. 

"Sarah, I need your opinion about something." I mumbled, and took a piece of the chicken, chewing carefully on it. "I wanna go to university." I mumbled, rubbing my forehead.

"I think you should do it!" She exclaimed, making everyone looking at us. "It's nothing." She quickly reassured, laughing awkwardly at herself. I chuckled at her, and saw how everyone turned back to whoever they were talking to. "What do you wanna study?"

"Psychology" I mumbled, scratching the back of my head. "Wonder what Harry will say."

"Would he not approve?" She frowned, and took a sip of the milk that was in front of her plate.

"He will probably go on about how I don't need to work and such, he can be kinda overprotecting sometimes." I smiled a little, looking at her. "But I wanna do something with my life instead of just being there."

"I think you should go for it!" She smiled, and showed more food into her mouth carefully. "I mean, I understand you, I wouldn't want to just mop around either, especially since Harry will go on tours and so too."

"Exactly." I mumbled, and took a new bite, feeling pleased with myself since I wasn't feeling ill from eating. 

"Who knew being here made people think of their future?" She chuckled, and shook her head. "But I want to study too, maybe to become a teacher."

"You totally should!" I encouraged her, smiling widely. "We can go university together!"

"That's the best idea you've had so far." She laughed, giving me the thumbs-up.

"I can come with good ideas." I frowned, and pouted my bottom lip. "It's Harry who gets weird ideas."

"Yeah, I'm sure!" She rolled her eyes. "Wasn't it your idea to do those cupcakes without flour?" I squeezed my eyes together, cursing over her for bringing it up.


"I told you we should have used the flour." Harry laughed, his face looking flushed from the laughter. 

"Shut up." I mumbled, and looked down at the cupcakes. The looked odd, since I didn't put flour in them. 

"How about we make new ones, with flour this time?" Harry suggested, and pressed a kiss to my forehead. 

"If you give me a kiss on my lips, sure." I mumbled, and wrapped my arms around his waist, pouting my lips. Laughing, he bent down, connection our lips in a sweet gesture, and smiling into the kiss, wrapping his arms around my waist. 


"I got a kiss afterwards at least." I winked at her, making us both start to laugh.

"Yeah, just a kiss?" She rolled her eyes, smirking at me. "I'm sure it was only kisses!"


Mhmmmmmmm, I survived the week! Barely, I'm still a little fragile from the whole 'Zerrie engaged' and then I see that she was just joking, but I've seen the ring omg I'm confused T-T And the premier, Harry's heart-y shirt xD And Liam's new girlfriend O.o I'm a Payzer shipper, so I'm kinda sad for this, but if she makes him happy... *sigh* So much happened in like five days, I'm still kinda confused xD Obviously the boys camped in Sweden once, right in the middle of nowhere in the woods... That can be anywhere... Even around here... I'm okay... It was a white helicopter here once... I'm just weird, I know...

You know that awesome moment when one of your favorite authors reply to you on your comment T-T And when it happens twice, you're feeling kinda awesome! :D And omg the catching fire trailer! T-T I'm so excited I'm crying and omfg!

I'm currently working on  three, not two, three, books; one is the one I talked about earlier in the book! So my updates are kind weird sometimes! But if I get a vision for one book, I can't just write on another one, ya know! :3

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