Chapter 9

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Sandy's POV*

"My dear, how are you?" Donna asked worried. I looked up at her, my eyes wide from shock, panic, almost horror. "Sandy?" She lightly shook my shoulders and looked concerned for me. I was aware of the fact that everyone had their gaze turned to me, as shocked as I. Sarah sat beside me, her jaw dropped to the floor almost, staring at the TV in front of us.

"I gonna kill him if I ever sees him again." She mumbled upset. "I swear, I'm killing that little piece of shit!"

"Sarah..." I mumbled, and turned to her.

"You okay?" Donna asked. I nodded faint, still looking at Sarah, trying to calm her down with my stare. "Sure?"

"Yes." I mumbled. I looked down at my fingers, fiddling a bit with them in a try to avoid everyone. It was quiet in the room, the only sound coming from faint breathing from the 7 people who sat here along with me and Sarah. "Can we go from here?"

"Was that about you?" One girl asked quietly, looking at me with eyes that reminded of dear-eyes, she looked so innocent on me. I looked down to the floor again, desperately trying to avoid them all. "That bastard! He's got no reason for telling!" She exclaimed. I smiled faint, thankful for her reaction, and that she felt sorry for me. 

"I know." I mumbled. The headline was stuck in my head. 'Source reveals Sandy's secret life' A lump in my throat, stopping me from bringing any more words out of my mouth as I thought back of it. They had it all, from the bullying to the attempt, and to the visit on the hospital. I have no idea how they found out about that, Dave wasn't supposed to know about that! "But there's nothing I can do." 

"Harry'll fix it." Sarah mumbled to me

 "I'm scared..." I admitted, and let out a heavy sigh. People was still looking at me, switching between me and the TV, that still was on even if none really paid attention to it anymore.

"They'll know what to do. It's not good to worry, Sands." Sarah mumbled. Ii felt a sting in my heart, that nickname reminded me of Harry, and Derek, my brother that I haven't seen since I was in the US with the boys, eight months ago I think. It's mad how times fly by, and how much that changes in a matter of months. 

I don't even know what my family will think of this! Sure, Derek knew about me and Dave's 'relationship', but I never told my parents, even if I'm pretty sure that they wuldn't have the same reaction as Derek had.


"Sandy? That's you?" My brothers voice called from upstairs, soon followed by the sound of his footsteps, sounding in a quick pace. My breath hitched when I heard him make his way down the stairs. Stopping dead in his tracks when he reached down, and looked at me puzzled. "What-"

"I fell." I rambled, finding a sudden interest in the wall beside me. 


"Outside." I shrugged.

"I knew it!" He suddenly exclaimed, making me jump by the sudden outburst. "Do you think I'm stupid?" I nagged his eyes in me, eyeing my bruises that was plastered all over my face. Dried blood was in a trail from my forehead to my left eyebrow, making my skin stretch when I frowned.

"Derek, calm do-"

"Don't tell me to calm down!" He shouted, and flew his hand into the wall, making me look at him in horror. He frightened me, I had never seen him like this before, his eyes full of anger as he studied my face. "How long?"

"I don't know, a while." I mumbled, making him growl.

"And why are you still with him?" He groaned, annoyed and angry.

"Because he-"

"Told you he loves you?" He let out a half-hearted laugh, and shook his head. "You seriously believes his bullshit?" He said frustrated, pulling on his hair. "What guy hits a girl when he 'loves' her?" 


"I don't want you to meet him, okay?" He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. "You're lucky I won't tell mum and dad about this." He mumbled. His face was red, anger still showing. For the first time ever, I was scared for my brother. Even if he's just being overprotective, was this really something to blow up this much?


I remember how stupid I was, how could I even have liked him in the first way? Deep down, I knew that Derek was right about him, but I didn't want to tell him he was right. I guess I was blinded by what I thought was love, so blinded I didn't realise what was happening to me. 

"Sandy?" Sarah snapped her fingers in front of me, catching my attention. "You zoned out." She mumbled.

"Sorry, I was thinking." 


Harry's POV*

"Harry..?" Zayn said weakly. I snapped my head in his direction, feeling my expression soften. "That guy..?"

"We met him in Australia." I said through gritted teeth. I looked over to Louis, who had the same expression that I had on my face. Us two matching, and the other lads looking at us, all with puzzled looks, slightly confused from the news we just saw. 

We all sat quiet, no one making another sound. I ran a frustrated hand through my hair, feeling my hair between my fingers. Letting out a sigh, and pulling my phone out from my pocket. 

"When is our next interview?" I asked, turning to Liam, who usually has some kind of hum about what's going on.

"Wednesday." He mumbled. 

"Three days..." I sighed. "I gotta fix this."

"But how?" Louis spoke up. He was close to Sandy, closest out of the lads. Their friendship was like a siblings relationship, teasing, hugging, talking.

"I'll just say the truth. I'm not telling everything, but she told me to not keep it a secret if this happened."  I sighed.

"Wait, you knew this would happen?" Niall frowned.

"I didn't knew he was death serious, but Dave called before, treating me to tell if I didn't tell where she is." I thought back at the call.

"Well, it was worth a try! But, Harry, keep an eye on the news, okay?" 

I think we both knew this was going to happen, but I didn't expect them to actually believe him! But after all, they gets paid for this, to ruin our life's. Can I blame them? Yes. But it's their job, after all.

"So, you'll just, tell them?" Zayn questioned, frowning slightly. I swear, if Sandy had seen their reaction, she would smile to see that they cared. Just to see them when I told them where she was, I swear I saw their eyes tear up a bit. Sadness, to know that their friend was so ill. None had noticed, geez, not even I noticed!

Something I blame myself for, really really much. Because after all, I should have known.

When I walked in that day, when I took her to the hospital, it made me clear my head, that she was more ill than I thought. But I have to admit, she was good at hiding it, she made it hard for me. But she didn't want me to know. She didn't even thought it was something bad, it was all natural for her; this was her lifestyle, how much it even hurt to think of...


My brother and his family is here, MY NEPHEW! :D I haven't met them since Easter, but now I'm here instead xD Oh well, I was almost done when they got here! 

Okay, if you haven't notice, this book has a lot of flashbacks. It's to bring this story together, so you all know a little more than before xD Okay?

Random shoutout to Kathleen_Pravong, because she voted xD Because I feel like a nice person!

Okay, I'm working on Monday (Yeeaaaaaay!) late, until 6 -.-''' But yeah, I'll get paid sooner or later! :D And I'm away tomorrow! TRIIIIIP!

6 votes? Yeah? No? No xD I'll see! Haha!

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