Savior ~ Chapter One

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Your POV

I can't take it anymore. Not with a dead dad. Now I'm stuck with a mother whose crazy and hardly ever around. I can't do this anymore... I can't...

I've made my choice. I gaze into the vast galaxy of stars. High school starts tomorrow. I can't live life as it is, now I have this on top of it.. Would anybody notice if I just disappeared? No.. nobody would. Which is why I have made this choice.

The smell of gasoline and car exhaust fills my nose as I step out onto the concrete roof of my red-brick apartment building. I come up here a lot, nobody sees me. Ever. The only person I really know is my Mom, who is here about three times a year and usually slapping me when she is around. She's crazy and always drunk. I sit on the cold edge, my feet dangling towards the ground. My eyes closed, I take a deep breath. Here we go... 1...

I scoot a little bit closer toward the edge of the building's frame. ..2... I can't wait 'till I'm down there with no more pain. ...3.. 

I feel a hand on my shoulder, and whoever it is, grabs a hold of me as I try to jump. I look up to see a broad teen aged boy, wearing a blue hoodie and ear buds. His denim jeans were slightly ripped. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?" I shrieked. "You shouldn't jump." He said shortly, dragging me away from the place where I wanted to die. "LET GO OF ME!! I WANT TO DIE!" I sobbed. Salty tears began streaming down my face. "I WANT TO DIE! KILL ME! KILL ME NOW!" I screamed through the tears. I could just make out his shockingly blue eyes and ruffled sandy blond hair through the blur of tears swimming in my eyes. "DO IT! KILL ME! I. WANT. TO. DIE!" I yelled at him. He simply looked at me. I tucked my knees into my chest and slightly rolled back and forth. "I wanna die... kill me... I wanna die now..." I murmured, tears still pouring down my blotchy face. "What's your name?" He asked. "Why would you do that.. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?" I continued to yell. His face remained expressionless. "My name is Garroth. What is your name?" He repeated. "M-My name is (f/n)... I want to die. W-Why won't y-you let me die?" I asked, staring at a small chip in the tan concrete. 

"I don't want you to die." He said quieter than before. This time, I stole a glance at him, and quickly averted my gaze back to the floor. "I don't even know you." I said. "And I still don't want you to die. Promise me you won't die yet?" He asked. I looked back up at him. "I... I don't know you." I said again, "So I can't promise you anything." He stared at me, as though he was searching for something. He stood up, and I noticed that his arm was bleeding. "Pretend you know me." He said. He pulled me up, and continued looking at me with a more stony expression this time. "Your arm is bleeding." I said, pointing at is forearm. "Promise?" He asked. He held out a hand covered mostly by a fingerless glove. I locked our pinkies, realizing I couldn't get out of this. "Bye, (y/n)." He said, before opening a gray door which lead to a staircase going back down. I glanced at the city street below one more time, before walking through the door myself. I wanted to die.



"Dad, seriously, why are you taking me?" I asked as I rolled my eyes. He grinned at me, and opened the door to his blue and white police car. I hopped in as well. "I want to show you what I do every day!" He said as he started the engine. A voice I could not recognize was shortly speaking through the radio. "Oooh! That means there has been a bank robbery. Let's go!" Dad said as he began speeding up. "Isn't that a bad thing?" I laughed as I saw my Dad's excited face. He looked at me sheepishly and said, "It's fun though!" I chuckled at his response as we pulled up to a large bank. "Stay here!" He said, getting out of the car. As he walked towards the entrance, a slight movement caused my head to jerk around, and I saw a shady figure watching my dad. I panicked when I realized he was aiming a gun. I opened the door and screamed at the top of my lungs, "DAD! NO!" But it was drowned out by the sound of a gunshot. I sprinted towards where he was just standing, only to find his body with a bullet square in his chest. Tears began swimming in my eyes as I bent down. "I... love... you... Kiddo.." He whispered before I felt the warmth leave his body.

I awoke with a start. 

My pillow was covered in tear stains. I glanced at my alarm clock, which read 4:30. I groaned as I got out of bed. I walked around my room. The gray carpet had small childhood things scattered across it, and my pale green walls were blank. I didn't have much furniture, just a black bed with carved detailing and a black night stand. On it was a picture of me and my dad. I weakly smiled to myself as I looked at it, it was from my seventh birthday, at the amusement park. I walk into my bathroom, my feet cold from the tile floors. As I suspected, my eyes were red and puffy, and my skin was blotchy with tear stains. I turn the shower nob and stripped my pajamas. The hot water slicked down my hair, and felt very nice as it ran down my back. I soaked my (h/c) hair in shampoo and conditioner, and cleaned my pale body. 

After I finished, I stepped out and wrapped myself in a maroon towel and a light pink hair towel. I was less disgusting, but, like always, I was not very attractive. At all.

This was going to be a long day. And a long life.

Hidden In High School ~ (Garroth x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora