The Thief ~ Chapter 25

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Your POV

As we parked at my apartment building, I saw a figure running into an ally behind the building. "Sh! Sh! There's someone over there!" I whispered frantically. I slowly got out of the car, and Garroth followed. We silently go over to the ally. As I slowly, cautiously turn the corner, I flinch, ready to be attacked. But nothing happens. I open my eyes to see nobody, Garroth next to me. "How did they.." Garroth's words trailed off. Suddenly, someone swiped a kick at my ankles, causing me to fall over. The kick must have gotten Garroth off as he fell. Before the figure could continue, I rolled back slightly, and us my wrists to send me up, and I pinned the person to the wall.

Now that I saw her, I realize she is just a young girl. 14 maybe. "Do you work for Sasha?" I ask aggressively. "For SASHA?! I would never work with that monster!" She replied with an expression of confidence, even though we had her totally vulnerable. "Who are you?" I ask. She rolls her eyes. "The name is Adolpha." She mumbles. "You should cut the attitude, I could kill you here and now!" I say sharply. "Please, if I felt vulnerable I wouldn't be in this position!" She laughs. "I have you pinn-" I couldn't finish my sentence because she did something to loosen my grip, and she escaped with a smirk.

"Fine. Let's talk. We're on the same side, against Sasha." I said. "Fine." She replied with a smug grin. She had a black tattered hoodie, that was a bit small and some ripped skinny jeans, that, by the looks of it didn't come ripped. Her sneakers were pretty busted up too, and she wore black fingerless gloves. "Now, why do you hate Sasha?" Garroth asks. "She killed a lout of people. People I loved." Adolpha said fiercely. "She killed my little brother. And she's taken her," he gestured to me, "hostage. Tied her up and gagged her." Garroth explained. "Hmph. That's it?" She asked. "Yeah, what's that much worse than killing your brother?" I asked. "Oh, you know, killing your parents and two brothers." She sneered. "S-She did that to you?!" I ask sympathetically. "No, she did that to a friend, of course she did genius!" She said sarcastically. "Look, we can help you. Give you food and water. Work together to take down Sasha." Garroth said. "Deal. After that, we never have to look at each other again." She said, extending her hand. I shook it. "Follow me." I said as we started towards the apartment.

"Name?" she asked. "(f/n). And this is Garroth." I said. We had just reached the apartment. "Welcome to my place. Let's, um.. talk." I say awkwardly. "Okay. Do you live together?" She asked. "Sorta. So.. how do you.. survive?" I ask. "I'm a thief. I steal what I need, nothing more. I've also trained myself in combat. You'll find it useful when your on Sasha's hit list." She explained. "Hmm..Well I-" I was interrupted by a knock. "Excuse me. Who could be knocking?" I ask Garroth. He shrugs, and I walk to the door. I open it and immediately reach for my knife. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?" I shout. Adolpha and Garroth immediately come to the door. It was Sasha.

"Oh? What's this, a new ally?" Sasha points at Adolpha. "I've heard you two are familiar with each other. Why are you here?" Garroth demanded. She opened her mouth to answer, but I grabbed her and pinned her to the wall, my knife to her neck. For a second, terror filled her eyes. But then she covered it up with fake confidence. "Dear, you wouldn't kill me! You told me at our.. last meeting." she smirked. "I wouldn't kill you then. This is now. And, I didn't know kidnapping was a meeting." I say. "Well. Mini brunette-" Adolpha interrupted her. "I dare you to call me that when I'm the on who has the knife at your throat!" 

"Now, now. Anyway, that little devil has been stealing for years!" She laughs. I raise an eyebrow. "We know. We're dealing with a Ripa! Murderer!" I say. Sasha bit her lip. "Konge te gon! Get the weapon!" I said to Garroth. Sasha gave me a confused look, and as a hint to Garroth I used my free hand to run through my hair. He caught on and grabbed my hair bow. "This was what you wore on our first date.." He lied. "Look, I'm not into sappy stuff so mak-" Garroth through the bow at her feet. "STAND BACK!" I yelled, pushing back Adolpha. Sasha collapsed in a heap on the ground.

I stood up, and helped Garroth and Adolpha. "Do you trust us now?" I ask her. "Nope. Is it just a coincidence that right after I arrive Sasha shows up? I don't throw around loyalty." She snapped. "Hmm.. well, you'll trust us eventuall- AH!" Everyone turned around after that, to see Sasha. She grabbed a hold of Adolpha tightly, holding her at gunpoint. "You're not the only one with a gun!" She said with narrowed eyes. "B-B-But.. how did you.. that was.." I stammered. "A little bird told me you had it." She smirked. "What do you want, Sasha?!" I demanded. "I want to discuss things with you." She answered. "At least let me make tea!" I said. "Ugh, fine. Go make tea, I'll just point this gun at your friend."

As I walked to the kitchen, one thing bounced around my thoughts.

You don't have to be faster than the bullet, just smarter than the shooter.

And that I am.

I peek around the wall to see Sasha "Chatting" with Garroth. Perfect. Garroth saw me, and I held a finger to my lips, and winked. I tip-toed behind her, and now Garroth and Adolpha had both seen me. In one motion, I drew my gun and bashed her in the head with the butt of my pistol, successfully knocking her out. "Trust me now?" I ask the trembling girl. "I'd say you can call me, A." She said, recovering her confident stance. I smiled. "Now, what are we gonna do with her?" I ask.


"Hm.. Well, I suppose I owe you guys now. You saved my ass."  A said. I smiled warmly, "No, you don't. We did what was right, that's it." Garroth nodded. "So, are you guys like.. in a relationship, or..?" She laughed. "Eh, you could call us.. love interests?" I joke. "Nah, I'd say we're more than that." Garroth chuckled. "Inside joke." I added. "Ah, that explains why I felt like I was missing something!" She laughed. "So, A.. want to explain a bit more about.. you?" I ask. "I understand your past is a touchy subject, but.." My words trailed off. She nodded a bit. "Um, okay.." She slowly says. "I was four... Sasha came. She tried to kill me.. after killing my family. I ran away though, I wanted to avenge their deaths.. and I vowed not to die to the hands of Sasha, like my family. I became what you see today. A dirt scumbag thief!" She said. I could tell that tears stung the back of her eyes. "You aren't. You didn't want to die like your family.." I said while rubbing her shoulders. "But, wouldn't they be dissapointed if they saw what I've become?!" She raised her voice a little. "Sh, no.. you've centered your entire life around them, and you are so strong and tough.. I would be proud if I were them." I told her reassuringly. "Have you ever had friends?" I ask to change the subject. "Two. We were a trio. All orphans... I um.." She wiped her eyes. 

"You don't have to cont-" "Yes, I do." She interrupted. "Katelyn and Nicole.. one day, they uh, they found us.. the orphanage people.. I abandoned them.. they took them away, and I didn't help! I ran, I left them there.." She said, a single tear streaking across her copper skin tone. "Katelyn and Nicole.." Garroth mumbled. "Huh?" I ask. "They.. they go to our school!" He said. A's eyes lit up. "Really? Oh my gosh.." She smiled. "Well, one more question?" I ask. She nods, an excited smile across her face. "Any lucky boys?" I ask mischievously. "Well.. there's this one guy.." She sighed. "Ooh, talk sister!" I laugh. "Well, he goes by the name of Aaron. And I don't know him very personally, but we're like, enemies." She explains. "Last time I checked, enemies don't like each other.." I said with a smirk. She playfully nudged me. "Anyway.. he has this hoodie, and a red bandanna over his eyes. See, when I plan to rob someplace, he always beats me there! He's such a good thief, too! And.. the fact that his six pack shows.. doesn't make it difficult to be attracted to him." She finished with a pink hue spread across her freckled cheeks. "Well, I'll try to find him for ya." I wink, and she rolls her eyes. 

I like it,

"A" the thief.

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