I'm Begging You Guys, Please...

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I know you are all good people, and there are so many of you...

Right now, I am in tears. Tears.

Guys, I saw this video.. and it made me cry. No, bawl. This is horrific. I wanted to do something, and this was the first thing I thought of. It may not be much, but anything I can do.. must be something, right?

Please watch these videos, then read the text below. Please. I'm begging you.

Please guys. Here is a link to a website where you can learn more about this. And no, if the thought even crossed your minds I'm not being paid or sponsored in any way to do this, nor do I want to. I just want to help these poor animals. Guys, spread the word, show this to people. If I can get this to you, you  can get this to someone else. Please.


Thank you so, so, much for watching those videos if you did. This world isn't ours to kill and torture. It's ours to share with the beautiful and wonderful animals that lived here before us, that help us live now. There is something very, very wrong with the way we do things around here. And maybe, just maybe, we can change that.

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