The Leader ~ Chapter 27

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Your POV

Well that was... something. "So.. your bagel is in the kitchen.." I say awkwardly to Aaron. He nodded and walked out of the room. "Oh my Irene, A!" I whispered. She was blushing profusely, yet she rolled her eyes. "Well, after he finishes want to find your friends?" I giggled. "YES!" She screeched. I could tell she was giddy with excitement. "Okay. But, we still don't know what we're going to do with Sasha." I said. For now, we put her in Garroth's old place. Tied up and all. Don't want her escaping. 

"Anyway.. I swear when we went to the kitchen he hated you? Then we walk out and your smooching? Like, what?!" I chuckle. "I don't know. But.. right now I want to focus on Katelyn and Nicole. God, I wonder how much they've changed.." A sighed. "I'm sure they will be so happy to finally see you." I reassured her, knowing she was thinking about how they might react. "So, A, who kissed the other first?" Garroth asked cheekily. "Well, he kissed me. After I um, broke the table.." She answered nervously. We laughed, and continued teasing her about it until Aaron came back. "So, Aaron. We are going on a hunt to find some old friends of her's, and you can either come or not. Your choice." I said. "I'll stay here.. I'm a bit overwhelmed by this entire situation. Oh, and thank you so much for the food and shelter. I appreciate it more than you know." He replied. "Okay, bye." I said as we left.

"I bet he was a good kisser." I whispered into A's ear, making her playfully slap me. I giggled as we stepped into the car. "I have this school directory. Who do you want to visit first?" Garroth asked Adolpha. "Um, how about who ever's closer." She suggested. "Well, that would be Katelyn." Garroth said as he started the car. We drove around for about twenty minutes.


We pulled up in front of a light blue house on the outskirts of the city. "This is it. Want us to come out with you?" Garroth asked her. "Um.. yes please." She politely answered. We all got out of the small jeep. I patted Adolpha's back as we walked up to the house. She rang the door bell. "K-Katelyn?" She asked hesitantly. Suddenly she was enveloped in a large hug from "Katelyn". They pulled apart, and A was teary-eyed. "I missed you so much!" Katelyn laughed. "I missed you more than you know! Katelyn, I thought you hated me!" Adolpha replied with a massive smile playing her lips. "Why in the world would I hate you?" Katelyn asked. I noticed her light blue hair and eyes. "Because I abandoned you guys! And no offense, but you are the one to hold grudges!" She joked. "I love you! As a friend, of course!" Katelyn assured her. "Well, we're off to find Nicole now. Wanna come with! We have lots of catching up to do." A asked. "Oh, and these are the people who helped me get here. This is (f/n) and this is Garroth." She gestured to us. Katelyn extended a hand. "Nice to meet you." I said as I shook it. "Let's go!" We went to the jeep.

"So, how's life for you?" Katelyn asked. A opened her mouth to speak, but I butted in. "SHE JUST GOT A KISS!" I yelled. "OMI OMI! WITH WHO?" Katelyn asked excitedly. Red leaked into her cheeks as she nervously smiled and bit her lip. "R-Remember that guy who would always rob a store before us when we had plans?" She asked shyly. "You did NOT." Katelyn said. "He's so.. gah! What do you want me to say?" She asked. Her pale face was now as red as a rose. "Dude, he is like, impossible to even talk to. How did you manage to squeeze in a kiss?!" Katelyn inquired. "Well, I found him where I always find him. Where I make plans to rob a place. And we cornered him, and took him home... to talk to! I swear! And he kissed me!" She said defensively. "WOAH. WOAH WOAH WOAH. You had a major crush on him before that, though!" I argued. "Guys! We're here!" Garroth interrupted. We were parked by a pretty, gray house.

"Come on!" A grabbed Katelyn's hand and pulled her out of the vehicle. Me and Garroth rushed to join them. Immediately after knocking, someone with deep red hair and odd gray eyes answered. "ADOLPHA!?" She screeched. Adolpha hugged her. "Nicole! Gawd, I thought I'd never see you again!" She replied, grinning. "Looks like the gang is back again!" Nicole laughed, swinging a fist into the air. "Oh, right, this is (f/n), and this is Garroth. They're the reason I'm not robbing a convenience store right now!" Adolpha introduced. I extended a hand, but was instead greeted by a hug.

Nicole whispered something so quiet that I could hardly hear it into my ear, and surely nobody else could. "Thank you." I just smiled. She quickly removed herself from the hug. "Nicole! Guess what? ADOLPHA GOT A KISS TODAY!" Katelyn squealed. "OMI OMI OMI TELL ME IT WAS WITH THAT ONE GUY!" Nicole yelled. "IT WAS!" Katelyn replied. "OMI OMI I TOTALLY SHIPPED IT!" I laughed at the scene unfolding. "Come on, guys. How about, we take everyone back home." I suggested. They looked slightly uninterested. "Aaron is there!" I added mischievously. "YES!" Nicole and Katelyn yelled. I grinned and we hopped back into Garroth's electric blue jeep.


We arrived back at the apartment. "You guys ar- You brought company..." Aaron said when he saw us. The girls gasped, and began nudging Adolpha. "Well, you know.. teenage girls and all.." I nervously laughed. "Me and Garroth will give you some company!" I rushed Garroth out of the room into my- er, our bedroom.

"Imagine Sasha trying to fight us now. We've basically got a team. We're basically the avengers!" Garroth laughed. "Yeah, Emmalyn the brains, Aaron the 'silent but deadly', Adolpha the thief, and somewhere we would fit in that. Maybe Katelyn and Nicole, too." I smiled. "Yeah.. I think I would be more along the lines of the computer master-mind." Garroth chuckled. "You're good with computers?" I laugh. "Dude, I could hack into any security you wanted and more." (A/N: Every good team needs the tech guy. Speaking of, anyone here ship Minty? No? Anyone know what it is? No? Okay, bye.)

"Wow. The more you know!" I giggle. "Yeah. And I think you would be the leader." He suggested. "Me? The leader? Seriously?" I ask. "Dead serious." He replied with a smirk. "Exactly. Dead. We'd all be dead if I was the leader!" I joke. "No, seriously, you're the leader whether you like it or not." He replies. I playfully roll my eyes. "Let's go check on them, maybe see what we could describe the new girls as." I say as I get off the bed. "I agree." 

We walk in to see Katelyn and Nicole.. arguing? "I BET I COULD BEAT YOU AT ANY COMBAT!" Katelyn yelled. "YEAH? WHATEVER!" Nicole replied. "Katelyn the fighter." I whispered to Garroth, making him chuckle. "Well, a little bird told me that your 'A' in combat is faltering!" Nicole said. "Nicole the spy." Garroth whispered. I nodded, a grin plastered on my face.

"SETTLE DOWN. I'D LIKE TO SAY SOMETHING!" I yell. Garroth shoots me a confused look. They all stop talking and look at me. "I hate to ruin the whole, reunion deal, but we have a situation." I looked at them all, and they had focused their attention on me. "There is a group of people after us, people who want to kill us. By 'us', I mean Garroth, Adolpha, and I." I continued. They gasped, and Adolpha stepped up.

"And we need more help if we're going to be safe!" She finished. Aaron, Katelyn, and Nicole looked at each other, and back at us. "I will help." Katelyn said. "Me, too!" Nicole agreed. "I'll help, too." Aaron finally said. "Now, the leader is a woman named Sasha. We know at least one person working for her, a girl named Polly. But Sasha is very manipulative. She convinced a loving brother, to attempt a murder. On his older brother.. Garroth. Luckily, he came to his senses before it was too late." I explained. "And we may be able to put an end to this with you. We have, Emmalyn, the brains. Garroth, the tech genius. Aaron, the silent but deadly. Nicole, the spy. Katelyn, the fighter. Adolpha, the thief. And..." I wasn't sure how to list myself. I couldn't be a leader. Could I?

"And (f/n), the leader!" Garroth finished for me. "Yeah!" Everyone agreed. "Well.. now that's all cleared up, we kind of have Sasha in Garroth's old place tied up.." I sheepishly grinned. "What do you plan on doing with her?" Aaron asked. "I'm unsure of what we will do with her. Any suggestions?" I ask, scanning the small group in front of me. "Keep her secure." Nicole said. "If we ever need answers, we'll get 'em out of her. That little pest... I can squeeze answers out of the best of us... and in this situation, the worst." I grinned at her idea. "Perfect plan." I said, an approving smile on my face. 

Our Team.

Guys! Thank you so much for 11,000 reads. SO HAPPY! And thankful, for having so many committed readers! Thank you all so so so so so so *Three days later* so so so so so much! LOVE YOU GUYS! Bye! <3

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