Mystery Man ~ Chapter 26

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Adolpha's POV

I wake up in an unfamiliar place, and begin to panic. Wait, that's right.. (f/n) and Garroth.. I hop out of bed feeling much more reassured. When I walk into the kitchen, I'm surprised to see (f/n) eating breakfast at 5:00 am. "Good morning." I say, startling her. "Uh- right. You, too." She replies. "Something on your mind?" I ask. She seems a bit.. distracted. "No, I'm fine. So, I was thinking today we could go find Katelyn and Nicole?" Excitement bubbled in my chest, and I couldn't help but smile broadly. "I guess you'd like that! I'm sure they'll be so happy to see you!" She grinned. Then, the excitement bottled in my chest became anxiety pounding against my chest. My smile turned to a frown. They'll hate to see me.. I abandoned them, they probably hate my guts..

"What's wrong?" (f/n) asked, breaking my from my thoughts. "They.. won't want to see me.." I said quietly. "What? Why?" She inquired. "I abandoned them! They probably hate me!" I said, raising my voice. "Well, you'll live in regret of never seeing them if you don't go." She replied. I tugged on the ends of my hoodie. "Fine.." I gave in. The only reason I did, however, was because I want to see their faces one last time. "Oh, and maybe we'll run into Aaron on the way?" She snickered. I elbowed her lightly, and we laughed. I guess I didn't realize how much I missed having company. "Well, I had plans to rob this store at.. 6 today. Maybe we could see if he's there?" I ask. "Totally! I'd love to meet this mystery guy!" She giggled. "I don't know how much he'll talk." I told her. He legitimately doesn't speak to ANYONE. I guess I didn't for a while, too. "Well, maybe he will."


"Bye, Garroth!" (f/n) said, pecking him on the lips. "Be safe. Don't let your guard down." He said. "Will do. See ya." She said as she walked out the door. I followed. "Come on, the store is down the street. Stay low, and.. stay low. " I instructed. "Yes M'am!" She saluted. We edged closer to the store, and I was right. There was Aaron, right behind a wall. I pointed and whispered, "There he is! Be quiet!" She nodded, and we kept edging closer to him until we were behind him. "Howdy." I whispered, making him jump. "Shut up! You're gonna blow my cover!" He whispered. Without warning, I grabbed his hood and dragged him behind the building. "How did you find me?" He asked. "Well, you show up before me every time I make plans to rob a place. This time, I was here to meet you. My name is Adolpha!" I said, extending a hand.

"That was a perfectly good opportunity for me!" He grunted. "Actually, no. As I was coming I saw a motion sensing camera that records.. eh, roughly a 20 feet radius. One more step and you'd be caught." I said matter-of-factly. "There is?" He asked. "No, I'm lying. Of course there is." I said. "Look, if you plan on getting in there, you'd have to go from the basement, which means going in the serwer systems. If you go into the nearest on, take a right after twelve feet, take the next left, and there should be a ladder leading there." I explained. "W-Wow." He stammered. I smirked. "Oh, and don't try anything. We're armed." I added, and (f/n) pulled out her gun. "Okay, mental note, she has a gun." He muttered. "Hey," (f/n) interrupted. "Can I speak with him alone?" I nod slowly, totally confused, and leave them alone.

Your POV

"What do you know about her?" I ask sternly, slipping my gun back in my boot. "She's a fellow thief and a runaway orphan." He states. "Hm, did you know her entire family was murdered when she was four and they let the killer go?" I ask fiercely. "WHAT?!" He almost yells. "Look, you think your tough? This girl's been through a lot. She's strong, and tough, and could most likely take you out in a second!" I growled. "You can come back!" I shout. A comes back to the building. "Damn." Aaron mumbles, and I smirk. "So, because we ruined your plans, or my plans, wanna come back with us to get some food?" A asks. She knows it's fine with me. "F-Fine." He says, letting his hunger, and possibly feelings get the best of him.


"Garroth! We've got a new guest!" I call. "Coming!" He shouts, walking into to the room. "Wait- AARON?" He asks in realization. "GARROTH?" Aaron replies. They do this weird bro-hug thing, while me and Adolpha stare at them. "Um.." I scoff. "Right, this is Aaron. We used to be friends, back when, you know." Garroth said, grinning like an idiot. "You talked to people! I'm so proud of you!" I joke. "So, anyway, what do you want?" I ask. "Um, anything. I'm just.. not used to this." He replied. "Okay. I'll be right back. Garroth? Come. Here." I tugged Garroth into the kitchen.

"What?" He asked, yanking away his sleeve. "They are perfect for each other!" I whisper-squealed. Garroth rolled his eyes.

Adolpha's POV

"They are perfect for each other!" (f/n) whispered from the kitchen. She didn't think we could hear. My face heated up in a split second. "Heh, heh, you know 17 year olds.." I put my hand on a table, leaning on it. "Always... doing their thi-AH!" The table proceeded to fall, making me go down with it. I face-palmed as I stood up. "Sorry, I just-" He cut me off by grabbing me and slamming his lips onto mine. 

"What was tha- *Le gasp* OMI! OMI! GARROTH GO TURN AROUND GO!" (f/n) yelled. I wrapped my arms around Aaron's neck. He placed one hand on my waist and another on my shoulder. I breathlessly broke the kiss. "And a second ago I could have sworn you hated me." I whispered. "A second ago I did." He replied. "Ahem, so.. I made you a bagel.." (f/n) interrupted. "IRENE MY TABLE!" She gasped. "Heh, sorry about that.." I awkwardly say. She scoffs and walks back to the kitchen. "I barely know you." I stated. "I know enough about you to admire you." Aaron replied. "Irene how do you do that?!" I ask, making him chuckle. "It's all my charm." He joked.

"Can we come in now?" (f/n) called from the kitchen. I awkwardly pulled out of his arms. "Y-Yeah.." I said with maroon cheeks. 


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