Jaws ~ Chapter 32

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Aaron's POV


The loud noise of my fist connecting to the punching bag echos in the huge room. I'm at an old training gym, that closed because of some murder that was committed here. But I train here all the time, since it's so peaceful. I hook kick the dummy, and the smack echos louder than before. I combine an Up Knee kick to an elbow strike, and finish it with a final flying kick. The bag falls to the floor, a hole puncturing the leather. A slow clap rises behind me, and my head whips around. The last person I wanted to see was standing there.

"Jeez, I've never seen someone use street fighting techniques combined with a gymnastics based flying kick before. That was on point by the way. And that hook kick was great, too." Adolpha says. "You know your stuff, huh. You train?" I keep my cool. "I guess you could say that. So, you train here? Wasn't this the place where the murder of Ben whatever-his-last-name-is?" She asks. "Yeah. In fact, most people are scared to come in here because it's 'haunted'. Don't believe in ghosts?" I ask. "No, I do. You see, it's a fact that energy is not created nor destroyed. So, if someone has a lot of energy inside them when they die, it's gotta go somewhere, right? Well, I think the energy is released and makes an imprint sorta thing where they die." She explains. God, she's pretty, smart, and can fight. What doesn't she have? "So the imprint is the ghost?" I ask. "Mmhm." She was looking at all the old equipment here. I hope she doesn't find the- "Hey, look over here!" She breaks my thoughts. Oh no...

I walk over to her, where she is hovering over an old trap door. "Come on!" She tries to swing it open, but I stop her. "We shouldn't go down there." I say. "What, do you believe in ghosts now?" She asks mockingly. "N-no! I just, think this is a bad idea." I say innocently. "Well, you don't have to come with me, but I'm going down there." She says. "Fine, but can I go first?" I ask. "Okay." This is soo bad.

I climb down the ladder, to a pitch dark room. My hands fumble through the darkness until I find a switch, which turns on a bunch of fairy lights, illuminating the room nicely. Creaky wooden floorboards screech under us. "Welcome to my humble abode." I say, pink dusting my cheeks in embarrassment. "This....is....AMAZING!" She yells. It's a small room I found one day, and I decided to lighten it up. It's got a TV with movies, bean bag chairs posters, my drum set, of course, and a bunch of other stuff. She looks around with awe. "Seriously, why'd you try to hide this?" She asked. "It's.." I scratched my ear awkwardly. "Embarrassing, I guess.. I don't like sharing things like this with people. In fact, you're the only other person who has seen this." I said. "It's not embarrassing! And also," She added, "I'm honored." I chuckle. 

"Ooh! Movies!" She began looking through some of the movies I had found, and soon gasped. "No. Way. Jaws! I love Jaws!" She squealed. Me too, I wanted to say. "Wanna watch it?" I ask instead. "That would be wicked awesome." She said. I only had one bean bag chair, so I offered it to her. "No, I'll sit on the floor, and you take the chair." She said. "I refuse to let the only guest I've ever had sit on the floor." I reply. "How about.." She nervously hesitated. "We both sit on the chair?" A shy smile played on her lips. "Okay." I reply.

I sat down on the bean bag chair, and she sat down on my lap. About half way through the movie, she rested her head on my shoulder and fell asleep, but she started slipping so I put my arm around her, and I must have fallen asleep like that.

I know it's short, but I wanted to give you guys something to read. I won't be uploading much for a while, I hate to say, and I hope you guys can forgive me! Love you all, bye!

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