Breathing ~ Chapter 28

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Garroth's POV

"So, you guys can go back to partyin-" (f/n) was interrupted by a knock at the door. "I'll get it." I said before walking to the door. I opened it, and found myself looking at two amethyst eyes. I jabbed her in the stomach and hook-punched her. My knuckles connected to her chin and I almost cringed at the sound it made. I finished the job with a round-house kick to her temple, successfully knocking her out. "UHM, (F/N)?" I yelled. "YEAH?" She replied from the other room. "WE HAVE A PROBLEM."

She immediately came in, followed by the rest of the gang, and they gasped at the unconscious Sasha. "She, uh, got out of my apartment." I awkwardly added, stepping out of the way. (f/n) calmly walked over and picked Sasha up. "We're going to need some better restraints." She said, walking out of the door and back to my apartment. We walked into the dusty room, and saw the ropes we tied her up with, only they were chewed up. "She chewed the ropes off!" (f/n) said crossly. "That she did. Come on, let's tie her in a different way so she can't get out." I said as (f/n) placed her on the ground. We ended up tying her up around her stomach so it went around her arms as well. "That should do it." I said.

We went back to the apartment, and started having fun once more. Suddenly, (f/n)'s phone rang and she answered. "Hiya!" She said as she picked up the phone. Her brows furrowed before she could speak again. "Uh, yeah." She paused. "Yeah, he's here." She gasped and nearly dropped the phone at whatever the person at the other line said next. "W-We'll be there right away!" She said, seemingly on the verge of tears. "GARROTH GET TO THE CAR!" She yelled, her voice thick with emotion. I did what she said and immediately ran out the door. she followed behind me, sprinting pass me. I caught up with her, and we hopped in the car.

"Who was it?" I ask nervously. "T-The.." She swallowed hard. "The hospital." My eyes widened, and I was fearful of the answer to my next question. "Why?" I gulped. "Aphmau has... had a recurrence." She stated quietly, looking at me for the first time in the eye since the call with wide eyes. "Oh.. oh no.." I whispered. My next breath shuddered on the way out.

Aph has lung cancer.

We raced to the hospital and ran in, breathing heavily as we talked to the receptionist. "Aphmau..." (f/n) panted, "Aphmau Phoenix. Where is she?" The woman glanced at her computer. "Room 378. She's open to visitors." She said sadly. We didn't wait to hear anything else before running to her room. When we walked in, we saw someone we've never seen before.

She had tangled, thin black hair, with dull, caramel, bloodshot eyes the watered as they looked around. Her body was pale, and sickly. She shook, and fear stained her eyes. This was not the Aphmau we know. I immediately wrapped my arms around her, and (f/n) quickly followed. "I-I-I'm s-scared.." Aphmau whispered. A single tear fell from my eye. I didn't like her at all at first, but... she's really an amazing person, and she doesn't deserve this..

GUYS! I am really sorry about how little this chapter is, but I wanted to get something out there since I am even more sorry about how long it's been since I've updated. BUT GUYS?! 20,000 READS!? AM I CRAZY? OMI OMI OMI! You guys suggest in the comments what I should do to celebrate this milestone! LOVE YOU SOO MUCH WOLF PUPS! BYE FOR NOW!

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