I Want to Kill Her ~ Chapter 43

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Your POV

I felt something in the pit of my stomach. Something I did not expect- it wasn't sadness, or guilt.. it wasn't even painful. It was pure anger- the need for vengeance. And I was sure as hell gonna get it.

"Garroth," He looked at me curiously- I've never been this angry. "I want to kill her." I seethed. My face was deadly and my voice dripped with venom. There was a long silence before anyone spoke, and I expected it to be a lecture.

"Me too."


Adolpha's POV

I hung up the phone. Aaron looked at me with a soft expression, and I could see his tense muscles through my teary vision. He was like a coiled spring- ready to jump. My knees weakened, and a shudder went through me. I stopped crying- somehow. The tears stopped, and I wiped the tracks off my face, narrowing my eyes dangerously. "Aaron." I spoke carefully, calmly- I don't know how. Inside I was screaming. He glanced at me cautiously. "I'm going to find her." I announced quietly. His eyes widened, but before he could catch me, I leapt to my feet with grace I'd never had, and ran faster than I ever have in my life. He was as strong as me but not quite as fast.

My feet begged me to stop, and so did my broken mind. Anger coursed through me, and it gave me the energy I needed to keep going. I ran and ran and ran, I didn't pay attention to anything except that. I heard Aarron's yells behind me, getting quieter as I sped up. "A," he pleaded, desperation evident in his tone. He was giving up. "A, we need to think logically about this!" He reasoned. I stop, frozen in my place, and slowly turn around. He stopped too, only about 7 feet away from me.

"Logically?" I laugh humurlously. "Logically. Aaron, you can't use logic with Sasha!" I shake my head. "She's smart enough for that." I whisper. "To know exactly how our 'logic' will work. To know exactly what illogical situation would cancel out our logical answer. Don't you get it?" My voice was lethal. "Your stupid solutions don't work."

He looked at me carefully, and stepped closer to me. Another step. Another one. He kept going until he was centimeters away. "Can I kiss you?" He asked with wide eyes. I looked him up and down, glared, and whispered, "No."

Then I ran away.

Your POV

"Aaron's calling," Garroth stated. "Put it on speaker." I said impassively. He curtly nodded.

"Adolpha's going after Sasha on her own,"

"Where are you?" Garroth asked frantically.


"Aaron! How did you just let her go!" I inquire incredulously. Garroth paces back in forth on the anctient-seeming, cracked sidewalk.

"Let her! Yeah, sure, I just let her storm off to do whatever she wants!" He quipped, before recomposing himself. "Look, we just have to find her before she finds Sasha. She went that way. Let's go." He helped himself into the backseat, and looked at me expectantly. I sigh, running my hands through my hair stressfully.

I know I said I want to kill her. I do. But we need a plan, and we need each other.

"Garroth," I beckoned. "Let's go," I gestured to the car. He followed me, and I slinked into the passenger seat. As we combed the streets for a raging thief, we sat in awkward silence, wordlessly searchimg.

"Wait," Aaron interrupted. He pointed, drawing my attention to a figure dressed in all black, sprinting down the sidewalk. Garroth pulled up ahead of her, and Aaron slipped out before I could unbuckle my seatbelt.

Running ahead of her, he grabbed her by the shouldiers, and Garroth and I caught up.

"Let go of me!" She shrieked, blindly punching the air. "Just leave me alone!" Her voice was shrill, and I flinched at her tone. Her flailing arms and kicking legs got tired eventually, and her frenzy ended with her limply standning there, with silent tears trailing down her face. I gently placed a hand on her shoulder and she jerked away from it, her eyes wide and petrified. "It's okay..." I whispered gently. She let out a throaty laugh, but I can tell she didn't think this was funny at all. "It's okay? No, it's not okay. I'm going to kill that bitch!" She raised her voice, but it was scratchy and cracked.

"If you go after her, you can die." Aaron said unreadably. She stared at him somberly. "Maybe I want to." She whispered after a long pause. "Maybe I don't want you to." Aaron replied shortly. She looked at a crack in the sidewalk, and a tear rolled down her face. I took in her appearence. Her eyes were red, and her eyelashes clumped together, like she just climbed out of a pool. Her skin was clammy and flushed.

"Fine." She finally said in a breathy voice. Let's uh.." She paused, swallowing hard. "Let's tell everyone else."


It's safe to say that everybody would be mourning about her death. We planned to hold a small funeral, as that's what she always wanted, to commerate her. Adolpha was the angriest of all of us. Of all the people close to her that Sasha brutally murdered, Nicole's seemed to provoke the ire of her the most.

"Alright, guys," I announced in an orotund voice. "I have an idea."

Hey guys, so here it is! The next chapter, after leaving you waiting for 600 years. Anyway, for those of you reading this, I was originally going to do this for a few people, but go big or go home, right? So here it is, my instagram:


If you guys ever wanna ask me something, or just need some support, feel free to dm me there! Of course you don't have to, but I get a lot of private messages about this book on here and I'll probably be more likely to reply quickly on instagram.

Alright, bye!


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