Slurred Words ~ Chapter 9

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Don't play video until you face the window.

Your POV

I awake to the soft whistling of wind, the sun rising in the tangerine tinted sky. I slightly turn my head, to see Garroth. I notice that Garroth has one arm still wrapped around my waist, and one of my hands his holding onto his. A soft blush rises on my cheeks. I remove myself from his grip, and he doesn't wake up. "Garroth?" I say softly. No reaction. Well, seeing as he won't wake up, I'll sing to him as he did me, but he won't be able to hear how bad I am. Perfect!

I face the window. 

"Deep in the meadow, under a willow. 
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow. 
Lay down your head, and close your eyes.
And when again they open, the sun will rise."

"Here, it's safe. Here, it's warm.
Here, the daisies guard you, from every harm.
Here, your dreams are sweet, and tomorrow brings them true.
Here, is the place, where I love you."

"Deep in the meadow, hidden far, away.
A cloak of leaves. A moonbeam ray.
Forget your woes, and let your troubles lay.
And when again it's morning, they'll wash away."

"Here, it's safe. Here, it's warm.
Here, the daisies guard you, from every harm.
Here, your dreams are sweet, and tomorrow brings them true.
Here, is the place, where I love you."

"Wow." Says a gentle voice from behind me. Panic mode activated! Sound the alarms! "Y-You wren't supposed to hear that!" I said nervously. "Well then it was a pretty silly thing to do it right next to me," He said, and the corners of his mouth were slightly pulled up, as if they were controlled by little invisible strings. "But I'm glad I did. It was beautiful." I attempt a smile, but it doesn't really work. "My dad.. he used to sing it to me when I couldn't sleep. Or during thunder storms. That always scared me." I explained. "And by the way, I think I slayed my demons, Garroth." And the tiny strings pulled upward some more. "How do you know?" He asked curiously. "My dad told me so in my dreams last night. He said he would visit me every night now." I explained. After saying it, I knew that it was a childish thing to say. He slid out of bed, and hugged me. 

"I'm proud of you." He whispered into my ear. I pulled away from the hug. "Thanks." 
He looked at me. "Shall we get breakfast or something?" He asked. I half smiled, "In a second."

And I pressed my lips against his. The smell of lemon juice and freshly cut grass comforting me, welcoming me, as though Garroth had been waiting, expecting me any day now. He broke the kiss, and grinned at me. I gazed into his eyes, and he did mine. Then I dragged him into the kitchen, but we were careful to shut up when we saw Zane lying on the couch, his breath evened out. I saw Garroth smile a bit at the sight of him so calm out of the corner of my eye.

I poured some  cheerios into two bowls, and poured in some milk. "Thanks again for letting us stay here." Garroth said quietly, but I don't think it was because Zane was sleeping. I tilt my head a little bit. "If I didn't, I would've been lonely." I smiled. He returned it, but it was more of a half smile. "What's wrong?" I ask, my smile fading. "Nothing, it's just... I've dragged Zane into such a mess.." His smile disappeared as well. "Hey! My house is not a total mess! It's just small!" I said jokingly, in a poor attempt to cheer him up. It doesn't work. I walk over to him and give him a hug.

"You know he loves you, right?" I ask. "Yeah..It's just.." He sighed. "He looks up to you, not your father. You did the right thing to get him away from that man." I assured him. "I never really looked at it that way." He said. I let go of him. "How did you look at it, then?" I asked. "I saw it as me making him homeless, I took away his parents, his apartment, his.. his future.." He looked at the ceiling, as though he was fighting off tears. I looked at him sympathetically. "Please. If anything, you gave him a better chance of succeeding. You got him away from the man that trapped him, that trapped you, in a world of pain." My voice came out unusually strong. "You are so strong, and so is he."

"T-Thanks.." He said, his words fading. I walked closer, and ran my fingers through his hair once. "I cannot even stress how tough you are. Don't you go all humble on me!" I joke-scold. He let out what sounded like a mix of a chuckle and a hiccup. I snorted, "What was that?!". He laughed. "I have no idea!" He chuckled. My plan is working. "Well, you have a really good sick pig impression!" I joked. He laughed, a full, good laugh. "See? There's that big smile!" I grin. He cupped my cheek with his hand, and warmth shot through me. "Let's eat breakfast." I whispered. He pushed a strand of hair out of my face, like he always seems to do. "Right after this." He replied, and he brushed his lips against mine, as if he was trying to taunt me. I pushed my lips firmly into his, and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled away. There was still only centimeters between us. "Love interest, eh?" Said a strong voice from behind us.

I jerked away, and Garroth did as well. "Pssh, you didn't see anything. This is all a big dream, go back to sleep!" Garroth said waving his hand around in the air as if he thought he was casting a spell. I giggled, my cheeks burning up. 

knock, knock.

I skip to the door, desperate to get out of that awkward situation. When I turned the fake-gold door knob, I almost screamed. A tall, stocky woman was on the other side. "Hello.. what's your name again? Oh yeah.. (f/n).." She slurred. Her dull green eyes with flecks of grey brought back haunting memories, her (h/c) hair not at all shiny, instead very greasy at the top. She probably hasn't showered in a couple of months. A lump formed in the back of my throat as I tried to work up the courage to say something. "Well? Get out of the way!" She shouted, shoving me. "No! You are not welcome here anymore!" I replied just as loud. I noticed Garroth was standing in the door way. "That's no way to talk to your mother!" She yelled tiredly. She was drunk, judging by the way she slurred her words and wobbled a bit. "You stopped being my mother when dad died!" I said, much quieter, almost a whisper. I was filled with rage, fury, annoyance, and frustration. 

She glared at me, but her eyelids were half closed anyway, probably because she was about to pass out of fatigue. "GET OUT OF MY APARTMENT!" I half-screamed. She grunted at me, the corners of her mouth pulled downwards. "Your apartment!? You aren't an adult yet, young lady!" She yelled, almost a furious as me now. She didn't pause between her words, she kind of just strung them together. I lowered my voice to a bare whisper. "And you're as good as dead. Now get away from me." 

She frowned, but gave in and walked away. I sighed a sigh of relief, and Garroth put an arm around me. 

Well, I got that over with.

Sorry it's so short! I'll make it longer next time!

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