Friend, Foe, Or... Sister? ~ Chapter 19

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Garroth's POV

I had to look away during the entire surgery, it was.. horrifying. Now, we were just waiting for her to wake up. She will probably be just as crazy, if not worse, than she was before the surgery when she does. It's hysterical though, so I don't mind. A small moan pulled my out of my thoughts. "W-What happened to the big dog?" (f/n) asked hazily. "What?" I asked, trying to hold back my laughter. "The big black dog." She repeated. "Oh, hey, sexy boyfriend Garroth!" She said some-what seductively. I stifled a laugh. Dr. Doctor and Donna I could tell were doing the same. "So, how about that cheese juice, my hot boyfriend of hotness?" (A/N: I am laughing so hard right now!) "(f/n), I hate to break it to you, but cheese juice doesn't exactly exist." Her expression changed, and she looked very sad. "T-That's... that's HORRIBLE.." She said with a hand on her heart. Then, she looked at me, and grinned. "WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK YOU!" She basically screamed, banging on the bed to the beat of 'we will rock you'. "Sing it! WE WILL, WE WILL, ROCK YOU!" she continued while face-banging. I face-palmed. "Buddy your a young man, hard man, gonna take on the world one day!" Me and the doctors were laughing now. "You got blood on your face, ya big disgrace! Waving your banner all over the place!" 

Then she became sad again. "B-B-But... cheese juice.." She said, and to be honest, she sounded on the verge of tears. "And t-t-the big d-dog.." she whimpered. "Can I get something to drink?" She asked innocently. "I just got you a milkshake." I lied. "You did?" She asked. "Yeah." I answered. "Oh yeah! That was a good milkshake." I almost laughed. "Good. Because I didn't actually get you a milkshake." I replied. "Oh. It was still good though." 
"Well," The doctor interrupted. "I think (f/n) should be getting some sleep now. Your free to go." I nodded and left, still mentally laughing at (f/n). Can I get a spare supply of laughing gas at her apartment just to give it to her when I wanted a good laugh?


Your POV

Donna walked in my room, waking me from my nap. "You have a visi- Did I wake you? I'm so sorry!" She said apologetically. "Let them in.." I mumbled. "Good, the gas faded. I'll send them in." She said before leaving. My heart dropped when.. Sasha walked in. "What?" She frowned. "Sad to see me?" I rolled my eyes. Her 6-foot barbie doll-like heels clanked against the floor, to add to her obnoxiously loud bubblegum-chewing and her voice. "I'd rather see a 12-foot long man-eating spider. And I hate spiders." I snapped. "Eesh, feisty! I like it." She chirped. "What do you want?" I asked sharply. Her smile didn't falter. "I just want to see how your doing! Isn't that what friends do?" She asked innocently. I shot up, and glared at her before speaking through gritted teeth, "You are NOT my friend.
My fast movements startled her, and she jumped back, but quickly recovered herself. "Well, that is no way to treat your sister!" 

The word kept replying in my head.

Sister! Sister! Sister! Sister! Sister! Sister!

That bitch is NOT related to me.

Yet fear, panic, and worry, still consumed me.

"I am NOT your sister." I whispered. She smiled at me, but more like a delectable meal that she couldn't wait to taste. "Actually, your my half-sister. Step-sister, if you will." She smiled mischievously.  "No. You're. Not." I replied. "Well, your mother married my father, I believe... ah, yes, after you kicked her out." She said, all of the sudden inches away from me. I pushed her away from me. "She is NOT my mother. She is a self-centered, lazy, and friggen crazy mother trucker who belongs in an insane asylum!" I yelled. I took a deep breath, before continuing. "She is no mother. She's almost as twisted and crazy as you." Sasha grinned and bit her life, a glimmer of mischief in her violet eyes. "I think she's very sweet." Without thinking I pushed the little red buzzer that sent for a nurse. Donna came in immediately, looking nervous. "Donna, send this creep out of here right now!" I ordered. Thankfully, Donna obliged immediately. 

Sister. Sister, Sister, sister. She's not my sister. She can't be my sister.

But one little voice echoed in my head, and it whispered in my ear, irking in the back of my mind. It said:

Yes she is.


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