Hope Is Rising ~ Chapter 17

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Play the music if you really want to have the feels!

Your POV

I open my eyes, and black dots danced around my vision. I look around, and I appear to be in a hospital room. I can hear a beeping noise that may very well belong to a heart monitor. I have to squint to see clearly, otherwise the world is blurred. Then I see a figure looking out the window. He has a very muscular build, and he's wearing a blue t-shirt, Nike sneakers, and some athletic pants. I try to speak, but all the comes out is a heavy breath. My mouth was too dry. It was enough for the figure to hear. Then I see his face as he whips his head around. Garroth..

"They don't want me here.." He said calmly, facing the window again. "Only family." Did he think I would reply? "I'll get you some water, and tell the doctors you're up." He said. I shook my head 'no'. "You don't want water?" I shook my head again. "You do want water?" He asked. I nod. "You don't want me to tell anyone your awake?" I nod again. I want some time with him and him alone.

"Okay.. I'll be right back." He left the room. After seeing him leave, I let a couple of tears silently slide down my face. What was supposed to just be a few tears, though, became silently bawling. How is that even possible? I don't know, but Garroth came back during my little fit. He rushed over to me, and draped his arms over me like a blanket. "Shh.. let's drink some water.." He whispered. I slowly nodded, and handed my the water. I took a few sips, and tried to speak. "Did you get my," I took another sip, "My video?" He shook his head. I took yet another drink. "Oh. Well.." Sip. "Why are you here?" I bit my lip. "Because.. you almost died." I swallowed hard and nodded. "What happened?" I asked. "Your bones are bruised, and you broke a leg on the way down. They say your foot hit something on the apartment. Not to mention, you went into a week and a half coma." He explained. I nodded slowly, taking a few more sips. 

"I.. I got your video.." I whispered. He didn't say anything, he just looked at the floor. "You said something like, 'if you find this'. I don't think I did. I didn't. I-I lost it.." He still didn't reply. I sighed. "Garroth... You should go." I said. "Why?" Why? Why do you think? "Because.. I don't deserve to still be alive. Please.. go Garroth. I hurt enough people, and I don't want you to keep hurting. So go." I pointed to the door. He shook his head. "No." I looked dead at him. "Get away from here." He shook his head again. "It will only hurt more if I'm not here." He said. I sighed. "Fine. Stay here. Maybe I'll go back into my coma, and then they'll take me off life-support and I'll die and there would be nothing you could do to save me." 

He didn't say anything. A tear traced down my face. "Or maybe, they'll have to do surgery or something, and then they mess up, and I die from blood loss. Then, not even the doctors could have made me last longer." Still no reply. "Or maybe I'll stock up on pills. And when nobody notices, I'll take them all at once and I'll-" He broke into my sentence and screamed, "STOP!" I looked at him. He looked back at me. "Stop." I shook my head. "Don't you understand?" I weak laugh escaped my lips. "I don't want to be here anymore."
"Yeah? Well I need you to. So stop." He replied. Without warning, a loud cry left my mouth. I started bawling. Garroth came over and hugged me. "Hang on." I said into his shoulder. He got up and stepped back. I looked at the IV in my wrist, and yanked it out. Then I got up and cried into Garroth's shoulder. I bawled, screamed, "I'm sorry" time after time. And he would whisper "I know" after each one. 

"I'm going to get the doctors now, okay?" He whispered. I nodded. A few minutes later, he came back with a tall man in a lab coat. "How are you feeling?" He asked. "G-Good. Are you the doctor?" He smiled. "Yes. My name is Dr. Doctor." Seriously? My doctor is named Dr. Doctor? "Now, I know it seems silly, but I assure you that I am actually a good doctor. People always judge me by my name." He said as if he could read my thoughts. I flashed him a fake smile before saying, "I think it's just ironic." He nodded and began poking and prodding away at me. Garroth at some point must have left because he wasn't in the room when Dr. Doctor finished.

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