+ the 10 with the stupid plan +

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I had a plan.

It was a stupid plan.

But it was still a plan.

That was probably why I did it.

I wrapped the rope around my hand and grabbed the bag off the chair. Metal jostled inside of the bag, stirring my attention away from the sound of my heart pounding against my chest.

"You're going to what now?" Roger had exclaimed earlier. I grabbed his hand to steer him into the janitor's closet.

"Do you mind?! People can hear us!" I told him in a low hiss. I closed the door behind me and continued. "Anyway, I know it'll work. Archer will never know what hit him."

After class, I left Roger and semi-slept like a log since I was actually tired as hell. It was a lot of work when half the school hated you.  Like, I was surprised no one had egged my dorm yet or replaced my shampoo with hair removal.  

Or tried to kill me. 

Villains had no chill. 

And so:

The plan was simple:

1. Grab Archer.

2. Tie him up in this really, terrifyingly, painful position with this amazing rope I found in the janitor closet.

3. Force him to give up all his secrets.

4. If step 3 fails, pour gasoline in his underwear and set his pants on fire.  Because he was a 'liar, liar.'  Ha.  I was funny.    

Again—horrible plan. But it was better than sitting around and semi-sleeping for a couple more hours.

I slowly turned the knob, ready to creep down the hall until a dark shadow cast over me.

"Hey there, baby doll," Archer said with a wide, prince charming kind of smile. His dark hair was brushed to the side as if he flicked it away in rush.

"Perfect," I responded.

Something shifted on his face, but my rope was already around his neck. I pulled him into my room, tripping backwards in hurry. The tension released and the rope cut in half, both pieces dangling from my hands.

"What?" I looked up to see the knife gleaming in his hand. "You cheater!"

"More like genius." He drove the knife into my arm.

Instead of the blade, it was the handle that stabbed my skin—a needle poking into the flesh.

"What..." My voice slurred and I felt my knees fall under me. The bag of weapons hit the ground by my feet with a thunk.

His hands caught my waist, keeping me upright as I leaned on him. "Don't worry. I just drugged you," he casually stated.  

"How delightful. Thanks for letting me know..." I tried grinning, but I think it came out much more of a creepy kind of smile. Not that I cared. My brain felt like it was made of cotton candy and my body moved like jello. "Did you give me weed? Because I heard that fucks up your brain cells."

"Can you walk?" asked Archer.

"I can walk. I can breathe. Anything else you want me to do?"

"Shutting up would be pretty good," he grunted. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and the door creaked to open. He supported me down the hall, dragging my waist to his side.

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