The awakothon 2.gross

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Chris: shhhhhhhs! It's only 4.00 am, the campers are sleeping! Uses his air horn!
Everyone but Jayden and kacey:CHRIS!! They get out of their cabins in their pyjamas grrrrrrrrr!
Emily: where's kacey, And jay!
Danae: my brother is a hard to wake up type, here I'll show you walks into the boys cabin,HEY!!!!
Jayden: *mumbles but I want pancakes.*
Almost everyone laughs except Danae Emily and kacey
Danae: why is everyone laughing at him?
Conner: the dude sleeps with a teddy bear?
Danae: oh he should explain himself so.....theirs pancakes.
Jayden: pancakes!were!sees everyone staring at him, camp22 I guess?
Danae: yup, why does everyone always think that it's a teddy bear?
Everyone: huh?
Jayden: it's a bag see! Pulls out a water bottle and cleaning supplies!
Dink: then why did you sleep with it?
Jayden: because it's softer and more clean then these beds. Now where's the pancakes?
Danny: can we laugh at that?
Danae: sure, but first hands him a pancake.
Jayden: sweet! Wait, isn't their suppose to be a challenge?
Chris: yup, now go run around the field and comeback to the mess hall for breakfast!
While their running
Jayden: hey em, want a ride?
Emily: sure, but what do you mean by that?
Jayden: this! Takes out his skate board. Hop on, and hold on tight!
Emily: thanks. Is seen blushing while she holds onto jayden.
Emily confessional: ok, any one with a brain can tell I have a crush on jayden. I mean he's, smart, cute, funny,awesome likes how I'm sarcastic. He's just perfect! Dreamy sigh. I just need to find out if he likes me!
Jayden: watch this! (He does a 360 and two flips while Emily is holding on tight to him while he sticks the landing! )
Emily: that was scary. Is still holding onto him.
Aj: sees them and smirks, hey everybody! It seems like what we have here is the first couple of the season!
Everyone stares at them
Jayden: uhhhhhhh....
Emily: were just skate boarding as friends!
Jayden: yeah! But you wouldn't know what its like to have friends, would you aj!?
Emily: friends-
Jayden: just ...friends.
Dink comes in holding Danae and Jayden coming threw carrying Emily  with only two more people left,
Nicky: cough cough! Ugh!faints!
Emily: dude thanks to you we lost the challenge!
Aj:wait so that means we won! Woo!
Chris: no, that's only the beginning! Here have your breakfast! A huge gourmet buffet.
After an hour everyone but Jayden ate and finished the buffet!
Emily: why didn't you eat any jay?
Jayden:cause I already had a good breakfast with a pancake.
Chris: today's challenge is an awakothon! First ten to fall asleep will do a weird gross task! Next 5 will say an embarrassing truth, an the next 3 will have a choice one or the other! The challenge starts now!
10 hours later.
Aj: I need to make an alliance with some people, but who?!
Tammy: hey, donkey!
Aj: what dirt bag?
Tammy: alliance!you! Me! Final two!
Aj: deal!
10 hours later
Logan: sooooo.... Favourite song?
Maddy: bad blood! Favourite colour
Logan: midnight blue!
Maddy: same colour as your eyes.
Logan: yawn, so who do you think will fall asleep first?
Nicky falls asleep!
Logan: wait for it!
Air horn!
Chris: nicky! As the first one to fall asleep you must do the chicken dance while wearing the chicken hat!
Nicky does the chicken dance and at the end ha slips and falls on his face while taken a selfie!
Katie:yawn! Uhhhhh...falls asleep.
Chris: hey chef! Her dare is to look silly! You know what to do!
Chef is about to draw on her face but finds out that John beat him to it!
Chef: dang it!
The next day!
People out: nicky,Katie,aj,John,Danae, gia, tommy,Danny,geo,and kacey.
People still in: Jayden,Emily,dink,Syd,charolette,ona,joy,Maddy,Logan,tammy,and conner.
Chris: time for fairy tails!
Ona: YEAH!!!!
Chris: once upon a time.....
Syd: solider down! Falls asleep.
Chris: first person to do a truth! Syd!
Syd: yes?
Chris: what is your biggest fear?
Syd: the d-d-d-d-dddd-dark!
Chris: lame! Now eat this! Hands her a little mud!
Syd: ewwwwwwww! But fine.......licks a piece!
Jayden: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Is clenching onto his hat while watching her do this!
Conner,Tammy, and ona: so loud....faints
Chris: since their pain was funny I will let them skip the task!
3 hours later
Chris: come on people! Fall asleep already!
Just then dink,joy,Maddy, and Logan fall asleep!
Chris: well that was easy!
Tommy: you can do it ciette!
Charlotte: ciette?
Tommy: yeah, i like to give people nicknames, can do it!
Emily: yawn....starts to fall backwards.....
Jayden: nooooo! Catches her!
Chris: it's one to one who will win? So far every one is in warm,disgusting,old,slim!
Jayden:uh oh! Pukes! Gross!
Chris: don't worried! You only get slimed if you fall asleep!
Jayden: well now I'm not!
Charolette: ughhhhh......😴😴😴faints!
Chris: the winner is.... Jayden!
Danae: yes!
Maddy:you did it man!
Emily: yeah jay! Hugs him and gets stuck to him! Uh oh!
Aj: Wah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Katie: it's not that funny! Drops her diary!
Danny: hmmmmmm.....takes it while no one is looking
Before the elimination!
Katie: we're is my diary! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Breaks a bed!
Joy: calm down!
Katie: it's the only thing that keeps me sane! Who stole it!throws a desk at her team!
Danny: hey is this your diary?
Katie: my baby!hugs it so tight!
Danny: well good luck at the Elimination tonight!
Everyone stares at Katie very very very angry!
Katie: what?
At the elimination ceremony
Chris: has gave every one a marshmallow but Katie and conner! The final mash mellow goes to......
Cops: Katie! We have you surrounded! Your in violation for freeing your mom from prison! Come now or else!
Katie: never! Runs into the woods fast laughing funny!
Chris: okayyyyyyy....... Well that's all for today!
Team warriors seem shocked except AJ who is smirking!
Chris: what just happen, what will happen next,will Emily still be stuck to Jayden?! Find out this and more, next time on.... Total.... Drama..... Their kids!

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