Total drama their kids after math auction!

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After math music!
Geoff: welcome to a very special after math of total drama their kids!
Brigette: as we have a special surprise for the cast and we have an auction!
Geoff: which we'll do at the end! But first! Here is mister bad boy ,disqualified, johny boy!
John: comes on stage and the crowd boos! Thank you! Thank you all!
Brigette: well the journey ended fast for you! But you ended with a bang!
John: just the way I like it!
Shows pictures of the camp on fire!
Ding ding!
Geoff: now let's play truth or hammer!
Brigette: so John, you have any regrets?
John: nope!
No hammer!
Geoff: say what?!
Brigette: what about you getting to angry and setting the camp on fire disqualifying yourself?
John: no way! It was fun! And gave me street cred! Plus if I didn't tammy would hurt me and or someone!
No hammer!
Geoff: wait! That seriously happend?
Brigette: ooh! We have a never before seen clip!
Behind the cabins!
Tammy: hey John! Listen up! Grabs him by the collar!
John: what the!
Tammy: your a threat! So either you go tonight, or you and your crush are dead!
Aj: yeah! Just tell no one! Or eles!
Tammy: cause we're trying to lay low idiot! Throws him to the ground! You got till tonight! Other whys both of you are in trouble!
Geoff: woah! Talk about harsh!
Brigette: so who's your crush?
John: blushes! Uhhh....
Brigette: is it a girl on your team?
John: NO!
Hammer comes down but John dodges it!
Geoff: if you say so! Thanks for coming! Now if you can take a seat that would be great!
Brigette: now let's take a moment to talk about the drama and love! The duo of an and Tammy finally started but then like that it was gone!but tammy still is a fighter and a player! He used Danny and geo's crushes against them secretly making them his slave! Then there is the duo dink and Danae! There so funny and cute! I wonder what they will accomplish together!
Geoff: then there's the couples! Who have a lot of drama! For example there's Danny and ona! Remember the dodge ball episode! Well I wonder how much more longer ona can hide the kiss! Danny is having trouble hiding his but ona is starting to break! Next we have maddy and Logan! There like a jr zoke! There just so cute together! But will tammy use that against them or try to destroy Logan? And finally, my fav couple of all! Jayly!
Noah: they are not a couple!
Emma: Noah, you promised her that she can make her own decisions!
Dave: and there happy!
Sky: plus cute together!
Noah: oh fine! But if he tries to kiss her or touch her in front of me he's dead!
Brigette: ahem! like Geoff  was saying.... Stares at Noah! They are the new happy skave / dasky! And the new nemma jr!
Geoff: and how there always love struck around each other! It reminds me of Noah!
Noah: hey!
Geoff: that was a sorta complement/ joke bro!
Noah: oh!
Geoff: okay enough drama and talking! Let's get to our next loser! AJ! Or should I say A- cray cray!
Everyone either laughs our boos when AJ walks in!
AJ: don't call me that!
Katie: what a cray cray!
AJ: yes! Now stop!
Katie: make me a cray cray!
AJ: stares at her then his eyes widen! Wait, weren't you running away from the cops!
Katie: yeah! They thought I freed her from prison when it was my 17 year old cousin!
Geoff: then why did you run?!
Katie: my mom always said! When your in a pickle and see a cop..... Runaway and scream you'll never take me alive! Smiles! She has good advice!
AJ: does she? Does she! And your calling me crazy!?
Katie: yup! A cray cray!
AJ: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-
Brigette: stop!
Ding ding
Brigette: cause it's time for truth or hammer!
Geoff: so AJ, tell me? Do you have any regrets!?
AJ: yes! Being  tammy's helper/ally! He just used me to be less of a target!
No hammer!l
Geoff: also did you have any crushes on the Show?
AJ: eyes widened! Uh.... I can't tell a lie! No!
Hammer come and hits AJ sending him flying and lands on top of Katie! Both blush!
Geoff: well that was funny!
Brigette: you know what that means! It's time for that's gonna leave a mark!
Tammy is jus talking there then steps on a bleeping light!
Brigette: 3....2.....1.... And....
Tammy explodes!
Next we have geo and Danny just talking when a table falls from the sky
Brigette: ok, were did that table come from?
Next we have Nicky racing Kacey but then trips and rolls down till he hits a tree while Kacey stands there frozen in fear!
Geoff: talk about a scared facial expression!
Conner is seen flirting with Gia in a tree when she kicks him in the  spot and pushes him off the tree!
Geoff: Conner and Gia sitting in a tree annoy-ing-each-other!
And finally shows Jayden and Emily skateboarding!
Everyone but Noah: awwwwwwww......
Noah rolls his eyes!
Jayden lands on a big tree branch and Emily kisses him so he is frozen and falls back!
Jo: how does that leave a mark kid is wearing guards and just falls from a tree!
Then it shows the tree was over the mountain and Jayden lands in the trash can and runs out screaming while putting hand sanitizer on him! Then it shows Emily with a worried look which changes to a dreamy stare!
Geoff: talk about falling for some one!
Brigette: and that was that's gonna leave a mark! Now please welcome!...... The cast of the sky dogs!
Team sky dogs run in!
Noah: arghhhhhh!
Emma: huh?
Jayden: auction! Auction!
Emily: woo!
Geoff: well here's the rules! We'll have ten items to give out! You each get 300 Chris bucks and 1000 Chris coins! More you wager more likely you'll get it! Ready set go!
Brigette: first we have is a mini fridge full of food!
Crickets sound!
Geoff: seriously?
Danae:  80 Chris buck!
Brigette: sold! Next is sleeping comfort!
Jayden Emily and geo: 10 Chris bucks!
Geoff: uhhhhh....
Jayden: eleven!
Geoff: sold!
Jayden: sweet!
Brigette: item  #3 two packs of grape sodas!
Everyone: me!
Geo: 190 Chris bucks!
Geoff: sold!
Geo: yes!
Brigette: Next is a phone!
Nicky: all in!
Geoff: sweet! Item #5 a pet hamster!
Kacey: eyes widened!  Me! 200 no all in!
Geoff: sold! Next item 6 a clue to were a Chris McLean idol is!
Danny: almost all in! I want to keep a buck!
Logan: me to!
Geoff: time for you to draw straws!
Danny gets the big one!
Brigette: Danny wins! Next is roses!
Jayden: 50!
Geoff: sold! Item #8 is some a pair of shades-
Emily: 100!
Geoff: sold! #9! Paint crayons and ckalk!
Brigette: and finally the mystery box! But the thing is if you bet the same amount, there's more than one so you can all do it!
Everyone except kacey and nicky: all I have!
Jayden: my paint ball gun?
Danae: sweet! My foam sword with a brick in it! And my foam bazooka!
Dave sky and Jayden: uh oh!
Emily: my skates!?
Danny: the episode dodge ball mania there kids?
Everyone( especially ona): uh oh!
Danny: huh?
Ona: NOTHING!! Ooh! I got my favourite doll!
Maddy: my copies of season four and five!
Logan: my bass!
Geo: my comics!
Dink: and my zombie apocalypse weapon!
Everyone laughs at him in the studio except Danae and his and her parents!
Danae: cool! Tell us how it works!
Dink: with fire works!
Everyone backs away from him but Danae!
Danae: cool I have a foam bazooka! Check this out!
Jayden: grabs Emily's hand and ducks! Run for your life's people!

3.....2....1.... Explosion!

The studio is covered in smoke! So is everyone but Jayden and Emily's!
Jayden: I warned you all!
Geoff: well that's all the time we have! Also what do these things do with the show! Find out next time! I'm Geoff!
Brigette: and I'm brigette!
Geoff: and this has been total drama their kids.... After math!
Me: wow!1,428 words! That's a lot! Well I hope you liked the episode I'm gonna try to update more since it's winter break so stay tuned for mor total dram their kids!
- mg2868 out! Peace!

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