Phobia's reveal part one

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Chris: last time on total drama their kids! We had another awakothon but with a twist! Everyone got slimed when they fell asleep but Jayden! Who got slimed after Emily hugged him and they were stuck together! An evil alliance was born between the two most evil villains kids aj,and tammy! Danny played Katie! Katie ran from the cops, and left her teammates in shock! Who will win today's scary challenge?! Find out right here, right now! On total drama their kids!

Logan: dreamy sigh Maddy. Is drawing a picture of her in a heart!
Danny: listen up now! I am known as the safe friendly guy! But I'm a misunderstood bad boy! So yeah! I am gonna be a little villainous!
Jayden: hey Logan, watch ya drawing?
Geo: yeah dude?
Danny: tell your good Ol bunk mate and roomates?!
Logan: uhhhhhh..... Fine take a lo-
Geo:you like multi Maddy?!
Logan: uhhhhh yeah...... Blushing madly. Wait, multi what now?
Jayden: oh it's her nickname, she's the daughter of mike and Zoey so we call her that sometimes, we're not sure if she has MPD.
Logan: oh, so who do you guys like?
Danny: takes the page while no one was watching, no one.
Geo: beats me.
Jayden: uhhhhhhhh.......blushing hugely
Dink: comes threw the door, hey guys!
Nicky: what's going on?
Geo: we're trying to find out who likes who. So dink.....
Dink: well there is one girl I got the hots for but.....looks nervous..... Smoke bomb! Throws a smoke bomb and disappears.
Geo: him and the guys go to the camp fire! man, for a dude who doesn't hide his fears of zombies he sure wants to hide that secret.
Danae: walks with the girls here. Hey! Don't make fun of his fear! I'm afraid of being separated with my bro for over a day!
Maddy: I'm afraid of zona!
Everyone but kacey: zona?
Kacey: just a rude girl! And I'm afraid of hurting any living thing on purpose!
Geo: well I'm afraid of heights! When I was 7 my dad took me bunj-jumping and my cable snap! Luckily their was a bounce house that I landed in! But I sprained my arm!
Jayden: grease, dirt,germs!
Emily: I have no fear!
Jayden: everyone is afraid of something. he says while getting closer to her face!
Emily: she turns around and starts blushing madly. Well I'm not!
Nicky: I'm afraid of birds!
John: ha ha ha!
Joy: mine is bugs! Also lay of the dude! What's your fear?
John: uhhhh.... Jail.
Conner: well we're both heading their! I'm afraid of ezikal!
Gia: I have a blank mind when I'm on spotlight!
Tammy: spiders!
Aj: robots!
Logan: mimes! Holes! Being inside a box!
Tommy: ninjas!
Charolette: not getting to choose who I have for my first kiss!
Danny: cats!
Syd: the dark.
Dink: zombies and small places!
Ona: uhhhhh..... Sugar! Not the food the person!
Chris: pops out of no were. Let the phobia challenge begin!
Everyone: ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Jayden and Emily hold onto each other, and Logan and Maddy, and dink and Danae.
Chris: chill campers! Ok first up is Danae! Go to team warriors for the rest of the day!
Danae: bye bro!
Chris: tommy! Say hello to nihu the ninja!
Nihu: ha ha ha ha-gets punched in the face!
Chris: point... Warriors! Next is geo! Go jump of the cliff!
Geo: uhhhhhh......
Joy: don't worry, a fear is a fear, no one will think less of you!
Geo: smiles and jumps! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-
Chris: ha! Next joy! Pool of bugs!
Joy: eek! Runs away but geo stops her!
Geo: oh no! Your sister fell in and is drowning in bugs!
Joy: SIS!!!! Jumps in and searches for her sis!
Gia: when joy wasn't looked went in, joy!
Joy: sis! Wait.... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Chris: okayyyyyy...... Next is Jayden! Go to the grease zone! And the mud slide! Run through both!
Jayden: uhhhhhhh.....
Emily: go Jayden! Woo!
Jayden: blushes, I can do this! Runs through the grease zone getting hit with grease screaming, I can't do this!
Chris: and you can't clean yourself for ten whole minutes!
Jayden: I cant do this! Stops before  entering the mud slide!then starts freaking out!
Emily: jay! Look at me! Calm down ya lunatic, take deep breaths knuckle head.
Jayden: pant, pant, huh! Stares into her eyes, thanks! Gets ready to do the mud slide but hesitates!
Emily: it's ok if you can't do it!
Jayden: he jumps down in to the slide filled with mud and germs and gets out! Ahhhhhhh! Wait I did! I did it!
Sky dogs: woo! Jayden!
Emily: I knew it! I knew you could do it!
Jayden: woo! I did it!
Emily: woo! Kisses him! Woo-relies what she just did and stares at him blushing and in fear!
Jayden: uhhhhhhhh..... Faints!
Everyone stares at her! Especially Danae!
Emily: uhhhhh.... I can explain! Uhhhhh...... ahhhhhhhh.... Runs off!
Chris: well looks like it's 3 too 2!
Warriors: what!
Chris: yup that was Emily's fear! To do something like that! Well who will win! Will it be the dogs who are in the lead or the warriors make a come back?.  And did Emily really just do that! Find out and Stay tuned to total drama their way!

Total drama their kids!!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ