Non free drama day lock down! part 2

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Chris: and were back! Let's see what drama the speed warriors are in!
Charlotte: wakes up! Yawn..... Stares at the window
Tommy: sup?
Charlotte: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Tommy: shhhhh!
Tammy: ugh! Your so annoying and useless charolette! You just woke me up!
Joy: uncool!
Tammy: grrrrrrr.....
Everyone eles: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.........!
Sky dogs
Geo: yawn! Well it's time to do biding! Sees dink and Danae holding hands in there sleep, this could be useful!
Jayden: what?!
Geo: uhhhhhhh...... Look you sister is dating dink!
Jayden: gasp! Actually I sorta found that out yesterday!
Geo: how?
Jayden: the same way I found out you had a crush on joy and Tammy is using it against you! Oh, time for a break! When they walk out side they run into joy! Ow!
Joy: sorry guys! Uhhhhhhh......, is as red as a tomatoe!
Geo: huh? Sees her in a red bikini and can't help but stare at her! Why are you dressed like that?
Joy: we were playing truth or dare!
Jayden: cool, I would love to stay and chat, but really I don't! Leaves!
Geo: sooooooo...... It's just us alone?
Joy: smiles, yeah I guess so, 1 minute remaining! Uh oh! Bye! Runs!
Joy: ok! Why didn't any one tell me I was still in my bathing suit?!
Gia: sorry, they made me! Since you woke us all up!
Joy: grrrrrrr....... Ok, let's play t or d again!
Tommy: sweet, I'll start! Joy truth or dare?
Joy: dare!
Tommy: grins! I dare you to ask geo if he likes your outfit!
Everyone: ooh!
Joy: blushes madly! Seriously! Why?!
Gia: come on sis, it's not a big deal unless...... Looks at her sister blushing madly and turning the other way! Omg! Gasp! You like him! You like geo don't you?!
Joy: is blushing majorly! uhhhhhhhhhhh.............
Joy: is seen blushing! Maybe........... Wait! Is he gonna see this?! Looks at the camera worried! And is blushing more!
Joy: oh come on! How do you open this dang camera! I want that tape!
Tammy: do these numbskulls resize there telling me there weaknesses and crushes that I can use against them! Ha! Wait till I unleash the evil in this place! I will win! Muah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!Walks out from the confessional!
Syd: comes out from behind the confessional! not if I can stop you first!
Sky dogs
Everyone is silent
Geo: sooooooo......
Danny: sooooooo.........
Ona: soooooo..........
Dink maddy Logan and Danae: soooooooo.......
Emily: uh, Jay Jay, are you ok?
Jayden:Eye is twitching! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I can't take the awkward silence any more! Maddy!
Maddy: huh!
Jayden: try to stay calm and don't listen to the song dynamite! Logan!
Logan: huh!?
Jayden: keep an eye on your girl! Dink and Danae!
Danae: well do what we want!
Jayden: yeah you will! Geo!
Geo: what's sup dude?
Jayden: tone down the party train ok! Now the beautiful Emily!
Emily: is seen slightly blushing. what?!
Jayden: don't change a thing! Kacey and Nicky! I.... Uhhhhhh...... Do what your still doing! And finally you to!
Ona and Danny: uhhhh...
Jayden: talk!
Danae and dink!
Dink: does he always do that!?
Danae: yes! He's used to doing it since he is captain of almost every sports team in the school!
Dink: cool! I guess? So what do you think we should do?
Danae: I'm not sure, but if we go we need to plan! Or we can set up pranks!
Dink: pranks!
Maddy and Logan and geo
Geo: I'm gonna beat you in call of duty maddy!
Maddy: kills geo! Or will you!
Geo: dang!
Logan:hey geo? Why was Tammy pulling you into a bush with Danny?
Geo: uhhhhhh...... Blurts out cause he found out I like joy! Covers his mouth! Aw shoot!
Everyone: gasp! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat!
Jayden: cool! Also,..... Sis you owe me 20$$$$$$! Nice man! Fist pumps him!
Geo: is seen blushing! Yeah!
Jayden: are you thinking about her?!
Geo: yes........ WAIT! I mean No!
Everyone laughs!
Joy: Syd! Truth or dare?!
Syd: dare!
Joy: hmmmm........... Ok! I dare you to imitate John!
Syd: uhhhhhh.... Ok?! Ahem! In a deep voice! Sup mclame! I can't wait to blow this place up into dust cause Tammy threatened that if I didn't he would go after me and my crush!
Everyone: turns to Tammy and gasp! You did what?!
Tammy: get him out! It's Not that big of a deal! Let's just keep playing!
Syd: fine! Tammy-
Tammy: dare!
Syd: smirks! I dare you to let us girls side you a girly make over!😆
Tammy: no way! Runs away!
Joy: not so fast mc evil! Holds him down and puts lipstick on him! Come on girls!
Ten minutes later!
After 😇😳😳😲😮😮😰👸🏽
Tammy: I look like a-
Syd: numbskull?!
Tammy: grrrrrrr.......!
Sky dogs
Kacey:I sense were gonna loose this challenge cause of Dona.
Nicky: we are! Wait, whose Dona?
Kacey: Danny and Ona!
Nicky: who do you think will be eliminated?
Kacey: not me or you!
Nicky: sweet! Thanks for the info Kace!
Kacey: no prob, uhhhhh..... Nick?
Nicky: how will it happen Kace?
Kacey: well Nicky, I believe it will happen on the next break!Want to play with mister whiskers witch me?
Nicky: sure Kace! But first..... Let me take a selfie! Selfies with her!
Ona: sooooo......
Danny: sooooooo.......
Ona: uhhhhhh....
Danny: that's it! I can't hide it anymore! I really like you! I want to know if you like me back?!
Ona: blushes madly, well I sorta known that for a while.....
Danny: what! But I have been hiding my feelings for you since day two!
Ona: not very well..... No offense!
Danny: none taken! Sooooooo......
Ona: I'm not sure? Most boys don't like me so how do I know your not playing me?!tell me why you like me!?.....
Danny: uhhhh....... Well your as sweet as candy!, your as beautiful as an angel, and your singing voice lifts me in the air an makes the earth move soooooooo very slow!
Ona: is blushing! And you promise this isn't strategy?
Danny: no Ona! I promi-
Ona: ok I like you! Kisses him then faints!
Danny: yes! Stares at her and then dreamy sighs! Wait! Ona! Are you ok?!
Ona: yeah! I just-
Chris: time for a break! So go!
Tammy and joy!
Tammy: sees Ona and Danny holding hands, hmmmmmm.....
Joy: you better not be scheming!
Tammy: too bad! And I need you too..... whispers in her ear!
Joy: eyes go wide! No way! You can't make me!
Tammy: do it other whys I tell geo you like him and then I beat him up!
Joy: gulp, sigh! Fine!
Danny joy geo and Ona!
Danny: dreamy sighs! Ona..... Hears crying, huh?
Joy: whaaaaaaaaaa! Is fake crying but only she knows that!
Danny: are you ok joy?
Joy: no, everyone hates me!
Danny: why?
Joy: cause I stuck up for you!
Danny: what do you mean?!
Joy: well....., uh..... Reads the cue cards be hind Danny! I shouldn't be telling you this...... But....... Uh Ona was talking behind your sack- back! I mean back! And the others were agreeing! Then my team started..... Uh..... Agreeing to, well almost all of my team! I stood up for..... You Danny!
Danny: really! Why?
Joy: cause I care! Kisses him! And makes sure it looked like he was kissing her and also he couldn't stop!
Ona and get walk by!
Joy: pushes him back! Why did you kiss me?!
Danny: what?!
Ona: DANNY! HOW COULD YOU!??!!! Runs away!
Danny: Ona! Wait!is stopped by geo!
Geo: DUDE! THATS SO UNCOOL! YOU KNEW I LIKED JOY! Punches him and Runs away!
Danny: Ow! Joy! What the heck did you do that for?!
Joy: is seen blushing while crying! I.... I.... I.... Runs away!
Danny: ugh!runs after Ona!
Ona Tammy and danny!
Ona: whaaaaaaaaaaaa! Cries!
Tammy: Ona? Are you ok?
Ona: no! I'm not! Danny used me like a doll! He said he liked me but he didn't! Whaaaaaaaaa! No one likes the real me! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Tammy: uh, I do! Is seen smirking!
Ona: stops crying! prove it! I bet you'll do the Sam- was silenced by tammy a lips!
Mm Mph!
Danny: walks bye then sees her and perks up!! Ona!I need to- sees Tammy kissing her! Then runs away crying!
Tammy: breaks the kiss! Ha!
Ona: huh? What just happened ?
Tammy: nothing! I just played you like Danny did! Bye!runs!
Ona: what! Tries to Run after him but gets caught on a bush! Ugh!
Chris: okay! The break is over! Let's see! I see all of the warriors! Now sky dogs! Oh look! It seems your missing a song bird! Do You know what that means?
Everyone: what?!
Chris: the warriors win their first challenge!
Warriors: yesssss!
Sky dogs: awwwwwww!
Ona finally comes!
Ona: guys! I need to-
Danny: save it short stuff! Or should I say the little miss late bird!
Ona: huh?! Grrrrr.....
Jayden: why are you mad?! You lost us the challenge! You are so eliminated!
Ona: uh oh!
Chris: ok! You know the drill! Jayden, Emily, Danae,Logan,maddy,geo, Kacey, and Nicky!.......
The last marshmallows of the night goes to...... Shows both of them worried depressed and mad!....... Danny! Sorry Ona! But your out!
Ona: fine! But first!... Sings! I must warn you all of the evil in sight! Who made me think he saw the light! Who said I was his world! But then kissed another girl! The boy made my heart wince! Like he was my prince! But then he crushed it up when I found out it was a lie! Oh how he made me cry! Then I got stuck and we lost cause of him,oh why! Now cause of how that boy played I must say good bye! And that boy was my crush! Who lied to me, oh, talk about making someone's heart go smush! And he thought he was such a bad boy! And to think I thought he was cute and nice until I found out he used me, also known as toyed! Now I shall not cry! So I must say good bye!
Chris: stop! That's enough! Ok, if you stop I'll let you take the boat!
Ona: deal!
Ona: is on the boat! Watch out for Danny and ta-is to far to hear!
Danny: Ona! Sigh!
Chris:  talk about a crush! Well this has been another episode! Tune in next time for more action and drama! On total.......drama..... Their....... Kids!
Hey. Guys! It's mg2868! Two things! Sorry I haven't been updating but I've been on vacation! So you know! And also I have an announcement to make! My buddy madboy-2868 or mb-2868 wrote their two first fan fictions about total drama! So if you could, please check it out! Mb-2868 is trying her best to update so....... Plz check them out! "Total drama pahkitew island! Allstars style!" And ask or dare total drama pahkitew island characters" thank you guys if you do or try to! It's ok if you don't! Bye
- mg2868 out! Peace out peeps!

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