Hide and go splash!

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Chris: last time on total drama their kids! We had a toxic boxing match, where kids just did there fang. (Shows fang and John.) but some say bark where way weaker than some bites. (Shows izzy and tammy.) and tons of drama between joy and geo, what will happen this time on total, drama, their kids!
Geo: confessional. Man, I'm seriously not digging the new team, all my new team mates are so close with each other, the only one who is cool with me is joy, but it's kinda awkward, I better prove myself to the team, or I might be the next one booted off.

Jayden: yawn. Fixes his hair. What's going on?
Nicky: I honestly don't know.
(Shows dink sleeping in his bunk.)
Logan: it's so, unexpected.
Dink: wakes up. Hey gu- what am I doing here?! AHHHH! I swear I was sleeping in my tree last night!
They go out the door to see the small meeting place and a huge forest!
Emily: ok, what the flip is going on?!
Chris: welcome campers! Today's challenge is a classic hide and seek game! With our two best players! Say hello to izzy, and jasmine!
Jasmine and izzy jump off the plane.
Jasmine: back here again, aye mate.
Izzy: izzy wants to hunt the kids!
Chris: ok, you got a ten minute head start, go go go!
John: hmmmmm.... Runs by the lake. Huh. Looks and sees no one there so he takes of his shirt, wraps it around his arm and dives right in.
Syd: is behind the tree spying on him and saw his cuts. Gasp. I knew it......
Syd confessional
Syd: ok, to make things clear, I was only spying on him to see why he was hiding his arm, I'm not stalking him for no reason! Blushes. Ok, that still sounds bad. But I think he might have hurt himself badly, why else should there be so many cuts on his arm?
Syd: where to hide, oh where to hide? Looks up in the tree and smirks. Climbs up the tree and still is spying on John. Perfect.
In the cave.
Shows Conner walking around as he quietly sneaks into the cave.
Gia: sees him. Hey, I was here first, get your own spot
Conner: oh come on princess! Where on the same team!
Gia: shhhhh! Keep it down, you might get us caught. Fine, but you stay, on that side.
Conner: smirks. Whatever you want princess.
Gia: grrrr! And stop calling me that!
With the sky dogs.
Dink: ok.... I know just what to do. Camouflages himself to look like a tree.
Danae: walks by. Hey dink.
Dink: opens up his eyes. How-how'd did you know it was me?!
Danae: shrugs. I honestly don't know. Giggles. Any way. I'm just gonna disguise myself. Grabs some leafs and sap and makes herself look like a bush. Later. Walks away.
Confessional Dink: seriously, survival skills, kindness, and amazing at collecting things. What's next, she invents a way to zombie proof an island?
Jayden: hmmmm.... Skates board up to the cliff! Perfect.
Emily: is behind the tree. What are you doing here?
Jayden: it's the best place to hide. If they come up it will take some time and I can jump and swim away. Smiles.
Emily: isn't that dangerous?
Jayden: danger is my middle name.
Emily: no, it's Blake.
Jayden rolls his eyes.
Jayden: you know what I mean em.
Katie: sneaks into the kitchen, then looks up. Ooh, Katie has an idea! Slaps herself. Ugh. Climbs up and stays on the roof.
Tammy: sneaks in and pushes the table over and blocks the front door. I'm a genius.
Katie rolls her eyes.
With the speed warriors.
Tommy: is hiding in a whole in a tree, then sees charlotte and pulls her in. Charolette.
Charolette: ahhhh! Hiya! Punches him. Gasp! Sorry tommy, you scared me.
Tommy: it's, it's ok.... Hey I wanted to know... Um.....
Charolette: smiles. Yes.
Tommy: well you see.... Um.... I do t know how to say this but... Um......
Charolette: don't worry, I was thinking the same thing, and my answer is yes!
Tommy: so you want to be in my alliance! Sweet!
Charolette: alliance?eyes widen. Of course.... The alliance... Heh heh.
Tommy: great!...... Soooooooo........
Charolette: sooooooo........
Cricket noises.
Chris: ok, your free to go! Here's the water gun for izzy, and the meatball bazooka for jasmine!
Izzy: yay!
Jasmine: let's go!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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