!After Mega Math! Part one!

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After math music!
Geoff: and we're back on td after math! I'm Geoff and this is brigette! And we're your co host!
Brigette: with important news! If we don't get enough viewers the show is toast!
Geoff: ha ha! that ryhemed! Ok, back to the show! The ratings are out of whack this season so if we don't get 1,000,000 views! (not really) were toast!
Brigette: let's start off with........ The character wheel! When we spin it will let see who we see first!...... Spins! It's going! It's going! And.......... Its- the wheel stops on Danny's face!
Geoff: yessss! I know just what to start with! Total D-vestigation! Please welcome, the loveable, caring, head over heels for a song bird bad boy!, who was played and likes to press big red buttons that say do not touch!...... DANNY!!!!.....
Danny: uhhhhhh.... H-hi, I'm Danny!
Geoff: sup bro! If you don't mind were gonna do some investigations on how you did in the game?
Danny: uh,..... Ok?
Brigette: in the beginning you were, an "unknown?" Type of guy, alone wolf, the solo player! The bad boyish solo act! But then something's happened and you totally flip the script! What happened?
Danny: well-
Geoff: WAIT!!!?! The viewers have to guess! First up! A call in from.......... T anDy!
A girl with long brown hair, a black Theodora, purple and blue tank, lots of freckles, black skirt with grey  shorts, and glasses!
Geoff: woah, calm down girl! The question? Here meet Danny!
Danny: uh, hi.
Andy: OMG! YOUR THE Danny flip! You totally flipped the switch over guilt and love! I noticed this cause you stopped when you fell for ONA! Eeeeeeeeee! Your so head over heels for you know who! *cough cough* ONA!!!!! * cough cough*
Danny: blushes! Uhhhh.....
Andy: it's totes obvious! And totes the bomb and awesome sauce of you! But what happened to ona was totes crazy! All cause the black mail of Tammy for his evil believes to prove to his parents he's evil!
John: WAIT! And you know this how?
Andy: uhhhhhhhhh..... BYE!!!! Shuts down!
Geoff: wonder what that was all about?
Brigette: uh didn't you read the papers for next season?!
Geoff: wait? There's a next season!?! And why does that girl Seem so Familiar?
Brigette: face palms! That's Andy,the girl Sierra adopted! You know, how Ella and Sierra went together to adopt kids to teach to take after their hobbies and kindness!?
Everyone: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Geoff: oh, yeah! Ok back to the game?! Was that true?
Danny: well sense you don't know if I'm lying or not it's not a big deal!
Brigette: your right! We should play, truth or hammer with that! Thanks Danny!
Danny: gulp! Me and my big mouth!
Geoff: so?
Danny: uhhhhhhh....... YES!!!! Ok! Is that wrong to finally open your eyes when you fall for some one?!
No hammer!
Brigette: you got it that bad? Seriously?! huh?! Well let's see how many good views we got! Shall we?!
Geoff: not bad! But let's have some fun with! That's totally dramatic or awkward!
Danny: uhhhhhhh......
Danny: so stuff has happened........
Ona: yeah! So much..... Uh.... Stuff....... Um.....
Danny: blushes..... So what do we do now?
Ona: sing! Sings! Will you sing with me?!
Danny: ummmm........... I am a little shy when it comes to this stuff............
Ona: oh.
Geoff: ok! That gots to be awkward!
Jayden: is holding hands with Emily! When Danny comes over with flowers and is walking towards Emily about to ask her something! Wow, buster, what is mister wannabe the bad boy doing with tulips walking towards Em?! Aka my girlfriend!
Danny: I just wanted to ask Emily something, in private.....
Emily: Danny, if it's what I think it is, then you have a better shot at not being laughed at while wearing a big pink fluffy tutu! Giggles! Now beat it, if you want to talk to me, you also talk to my, jay jay! Kisses him!
Danny: well..... Uh..... You see..... Well you know.....
Emily: I'm takin! Get over it!
Jayden: yeah, mister bad boy!
Danny: listen! I wanted to know if ona liked tulips! You know so I can give her some? I figured to ask you Since you guys were close friends! And I didn't want Jayden to know cause he might tell the guys! Ugh!
Jayden and Emily: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........ Uh..... Oops? Heh he......
Geoff: those two totally over reacted!
Emily: she likes flowers that are in pots not picked! she's a save the earth kinda girl.
Danny: pouts, well this is.....
Jayden: awkward?
Emily: Humiliating?
Danny: embarrassing.
Brigette: so awkward!
Danny: who you calling a wannabe bad boy?! Grrrrrrrr........ You snarky,Noah it all jr!
Emily: hey! That was AJ!
Danny: and you had to write about my crush on Ona!! Your insane!
Emily: well how was I suppose to know some one would read my diary! Runs off crying!
Danny: no good sarcastic Noah it all! Grrrr!
Jayden: that was not right! Punches him! She's a living, breathing, human being! You just made cry! She was played! Bye AJ! But hate to tell you "bad boy," but you just played yourself! Plus you think ona wants to date a monster you ding-I-ling?! She actually helped you! She just told her friend she saw the light in you! And you repay her by screaming at her and calling her names!
Danny: ok! I'm sorry! ugh, why do you even care?!
Jayden: cause I care about others,oh and bad boy! Take a reality check! I like her! Punches him! And you just tore apart her spirt! Apologies! She is crushed right now! And I would rather waste the million dollars if it means I get to see her smile again! So say your flipping sorry! I'll help!
Geoff: ok,...... I am pretty sure that was over reacting a little?!
Brigette: time for the obstacle run!shows the bounce buts! The boot! The salad spinner! And at the end a jump for a key over a type rope!
Danny: gulp! Ok! Starts to do the bounce butts falling all over the place! Then gets hit by the boot! Starts flying! Then crashes into the salad spinner! And goes flying out of it like how Courtney did! And pukes as he holds onto the type rope! And falls off! OW!!!! This is insane! Why did I sign up for this?!
Brigette: that gots to hurt! Well be back after the break! But first! Let's see how many views we got!
Views! 486,967!
Geoff: stay tune after the break for more, total drama their kids! After math!

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