Non free drama day lock down! Part 1

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Chris: welcome back to total drama their kids! Last time we had a romantic challenge! With explosions! Talent! And love! We also had a first pat win for team warriors! Jay lay finally happend! And to cause more drama were gonna have a free day challenge lock down! What type of drama will happen this time on total drama their kids!!
Chris: air horns! Morning! Victims!
Everyone comes out.
Chris: today's challenge is a lock down!
Gia: what!
Conner: no!
Chris: yes! You see, you choose one team cabin to stay in! If any one leaves its game over!
Jayden: what about for the bathroom?!
Chris: the producers insisted on a 4 minute break every 3 hours for the bath rooms! Now go pick a cabin in the next 5 minutes or your all out!
Warriors: the boys side is dirty and smells so girls! Run into the girls side!
Jayden: let's take the boys cabin!
Danae: yeah!
Emily: but isn't the girls side more clean jay jay?
Jayden: germophobic! Remember!
Maddy: so he must have cleaned the boys room!
Emily: oh yeah! Let's go!
Gia: I'm so bored!
Joy: ugh!
Conner: sup girls!
Joy: leave here before you get hurt!
Conner: like your gonna- gets punched in the face by Gia! Ow!
Joy: not me, my sis!
Tommy: calm down guys!
Syd: keep the piece!
Charlotte: hey, let's play truth or dare!
Tammy: gasp! Grins. Yes!
Everyone: uh oh!
Sky dogs
Girls: woah!..... Are in awe when they see the boys room!
Emily: these beds are so clean and soft!
Maddy: you have a flat screen and game pad?!
Ona: and skate boards and rock posters on the wall!
Jayden: yeah, we're thinking about getting a mini fridge! Fist pumps geo! Now let's just chill and do what ever we want! Sits down on his bed!
Emily: Jay Jay is right! Let's just lay back and have fun and cause drama! Sits next to Jayden cuddling with him!
Geo: well let's listen to some music! Turns on some music to the song dynamite and starts dancing! Woo!
Maddy: uh oh! This is bad!
Logan: why you don't like this song?!
Maddy: no, I love it! Gasp! Woo! That's my jam! Starts dancing like crazy good! Woo! Danni in the cabin
Logan: uh Daniela?
Daniela:not now cutie! This is my jam!passes by Ona!
Ona: uhhhhhh..... Is that a  karaoke machine Jayden?
Jayden: yeah, You want to sing, go nuts!
Ona: grins! Woo! Walks to Danny! Hey Danny! Can I talk to you about something?
Danny: oh hey Ona! Give me a sec! Dink! get off of the open bunk! Come down!
Danae: leave him alone! Goes up there! He's unique and brave to be himself, let dink be dink!
Dink: thanks Danae, can we talk?
Danae: sure! Jumps on the top bunk!
Tommy: ok, joy truth or dare?
Joy: truth!
Tommy: who do you like?!
Joy:is blushing madly! Uhhhhhh...... Did I say truth? I meant dare! Dare dare DARE!!!!!!
Tommy: ok, I dare you to....... Wear only as bikini for the rest of the day!
Joy: easy! Changes under her covers into a nice red bikini. Well played! Sits down! Conner, truth or dare?!
Conner: dare! Easy!
Joy: I dare you to...... Kiss who you think is the cutest in this room!
Conner: fine! Walks in front of joy!
Joy: wait..... What!
Conner: a dares a dare! Kisses Gia! And doesn't stop!
Gia: is blushing madly! Conner finally breaks the kiss! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew!
Everyone: laughs! Wha ha ha ha ha ha!
Conner: come on princess, you know you loved it! Smirks!
Gia: grrrrrrrrrrr.......... Kicks him in " the spot!" Hmph! Ok, Syd, truth or dare?!
Syd: truth!
Gia: hmmmmmm....... What do you do with your parents?!
Syd: well..... Uhhhhhh....
Kacey: I since drama.
Nicky: really, when?
Kacey: 3... 2.... 1...... Now!
Danny: WHY????!!!!
Nicky: woah! You know your really smart!
Kacey: blushes, thank you!
Danny and Ona
Danny: what?
Ona: plz don't watch the episode! Please!😩
Danny: why?! What did you say? And why does everyone keep on calling me cutie!?
Ona: you wanna know why!?😕
Danny: yes!😌
Ona: cause when you got knocked out! You called me hottie!😤
Danny: is blushing, o-oh😳😔
Ona: oh sorry for yelling at you.
Danny: no, it's ok. I was being a dork about it. I'm so rude.
Ona: well at least I didn't say the other part of why they call you cutie. Giggles, am I right.... Wait! Did I just.... Face palms!
Danny: why? Finish!
Ona: no!
Danny: what did you do?
Ona: no!
Daniela: woo! Par-Tay!
Maddy and Logan
Logan: wait up Danni!
Danni: and we dance all night to the best song ever! Is hoping up and down on the karaoke Machine!
Logan: laughs! Man is Danni a party animal or what!
Geo: your girl is super awesome dude! Mega sweet!
Danni: you use to call me on my cellphone!
Logan: grabs Danni! Ok girl, that's enough!
Danni: boo! Gasp! L-Logan?falls asleep!
Logan: night Maddy! Drops her in his bed!
Syd: ........and there you have it lunch, dinner, sleep!
Gia: all a competition in your family?!
Syd:well there's also nick names, and rules!
Joy: wow! Just........... Wow!
Syd: well Tammy, truth or dare?
Tammy: truth!
Syd: do you have mpd?
Tammy: gulp, well you see, uhhhhhh......
Syd: you do!
Tammy: uhhhhhhh..... Gasp! Grrrrrrrr! So what!
Syd: ow! You don't have to yell Tammy!
Kenny: names Kenny! I'm one out of the four personalities Tammy had! I'm his angry in depression, and loudness! Then there's Corey, his generosity!, Kevin, his fear, and finally jacoub! When he falls in love or has spirit! 3.... 2...... 1....... and........ Gasp! Ugh! My head! Uhhhhhh..... Why is everyone staring at me like that?
Everyone: nothing!
Danae and dink
Dink: so Danae, why do you stick up for me?
Danae: can you keep a secrect?
Dink: of course!
Danae: well when I was little, I was bullied for never being able to stick a landing unlike my brother!, or how I was a wimpy germaphobic geek! My brother always stood up for me, when I finally make friends, they start calling me names like dirty Danae, or little miss klutz, so I decide to change myself to not be bullied! My brother saw what I was doing and put an end to it, he helped me make new friends, who also got bullied, we stuck up for each other together! I then vow to respect people for being there unique Selfs! You always get called creepy for your fear, and made fun of for trying your best to be your self, right?
Dink: uh, yeah.
Danae: so was I, but I had someone there by my side, and when I saw you, I decide to stick by yours, I would never let anyone live without a person who respects them for being them self!
Dink: thanks, that means a lot!
Danae: no problem!
Jayden: hey sis! Is skate boarding with Emily!
Dink: is that normal?
Danae: yeah!
Jayden and Emily!
Emily: this is so much fun! Is on her roller skates!
Jayden: dreamy sigh, your cute when your skating!
Emily: giggles, thanks jay jay! But why do I hear screaming?
Jayden: wait a minute! Both stop in front of Danny an Ona fighting!
Emily: trouble in paridise?
Jayden: more like a castle! They laugh and go to there bed!
Tammy: well this is boring! How long has it been?
Tommy: it's  9:15 we will have to go to sleep at 9:45.
Tammy:grabs a pillow! Night people!
Charolette: you took Katie's pillow!
Tammy: Katie's not here!
Syd: she most likely is!
Tommy: I call bed!
Conner: I call the open bunk across from princess!
Gia: grrrrrrrrr.......
Joy: night guys!
Danny and Ona
Danny: tell me!
Ona: no!
Danny: tell me!
Ona: no!
Danny: tell me!
Ona: no! Can you stop that! It's been an hour already and it's driving me nuts!
Danny: sure!
Ona: really!
Danny: after you tell me!
Ona: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
Danny: tell me!
Ona: fine!
Danny: yesssss! Now tell me!
Ona: cause when you fainted and called me hottie I got into the moment and called cutie, and I and I and I ........
Danny: um, tell me?
Ona: agh! I did something like this! Leans in and kisses him!
Everyone: awwwwwwww!
Jayden: takes a picture! That's going on the wall of awesome team moments!
Ona: breaks the kiss and is blushing madly, uhhhhhh...... No it's not! Chases him around the cabin!
Geo: hello! Danny! Hello!
Danny: I, I I I, iiiiiii........ faints!
Ona: oops! Uh oh look at the time! Night guys!
Chris: lots of drama! Action! So much Romance, manny secrets, craziness and more! Stay tune on total drama their kids!

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