Chapter 23

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She then remembered when she was a little girl, being in Crime Sorciere's library, researching. She got up from her seat when she heard footsteps, meaning it was Master Hades, and stood with one knee on the floor.

On with Chapter 23:



"I'm impressed by all the tomes of magic you've gathered in such a short time." Master Hades praised me. "Master Hades! I didn't know you were here!" I admitted as I looked up to him. "You needn't humble yourself. Come, stand up!" He ordered.

I obeyed as I stood straight in front of him. "Master Hades," I begin, "before you told me about a kind of magic that can restore lost happiness." I mentioned. "Perhaps you mean the Arc of Time?" He asked.

"I finally got a clue!" I stated excitedly as I turned to get a book of the table behind me. "I found a description of what's believed to be that magic here." I said while smiling. "Last Ages: That magic must never be used." He said to me.

"Why not?"I asked with a hint of disappointment. "This is the magic I've been searching for! This would let me turn back time and do it over again. I would do anything to learn this magic..."I stated.

Master then looked to the side before saying "Last Ages comes with a price that the caster must pay." He then looks back at me. "In exchange for turning back time, all of the spell caster's time is stolen." He explained

"Time?" I questioned as my little self didn't really understand what he meant by that. He then looked away once again. "In other words, "life". " He said before a short pause. "In turning back the clock of the world, the caster loses all of their time. Is that the world you desire?" He questioned me.

I had a surprised look on my face before it changed into a disappointed one. I looked down and said "I-I don't want that..." I admitted.


'But now...I do.' I thought as I lifted my right hand to my face. 'If giving up my life can reset the world...' I then brought both my (slightly glowing) hand above my head. '...I'll gladly offer it.' I then slammed my hand onto the ground with much force whilst creating a ring of magic around me.

"Arc of Time! Last Ages!" I shouted out loud and screamed as my body slowly developed cracks. Now, it was 1.30. 'Tough it out!' I tried to encourage myself. 'Think of the agony inflicted on so many people! Compared to that, this pain is...' I couldn't finish my sentence.

'Exquisite pain...running through my by one...' The cracks started to spread upwards. 'Is this where I pay the price with my time...with my life?!' I questioned myself as I clenched my teeth, enduring the pain.

'My life is flowing out of me...My time is vanishing...My life...My future is...' I stopped as I remembered my past. 'It was a life tainted by villainy and vice, but looking back, someone was always there for me. Gray, Jellal, Meldy...'

'It was more happiness than someone like me deserved. And yet, I didn't realize it. I spent my time and my life on foolish things. But it's not too late! I'll sacrifice the rest of my time for the sake of those who are dear to me!' I then stood up.

'Please!' I pleaded 'Bring the world at least before the portal was opened! Take my life in exchange for just a little time!' I begged. By now, my body looked like it was about to break, literally, with my eyes now red.


The magic circle then expanded until it was covering the whole town 《I actually forgot what it's called..oops》 . Suddenly, it was silent. It was just left with Ultear, on her knees, on the ground. Her whole body was covered in scratches and her skin colour had darkened.

Her arms were outstretched and she was looking up in the sky. She slowly placed her arms down and faced in front of her. Her face was emotionless. She then glanced at the time on the clock tower beside her.

'Time...Time...went back...' she thought as her eyes widened. The clock showed that it was 1.29. ' minute?! The value of my just one minute?!' She thought in disbelief as she slowly fall to the side. 'No...I couldn't save a single soul...' Or so she thought as she fell face first onto the floor.


"Ano..Cobra-kun?" Cobra heard an angelic voice. He turned around, despite not being able to see, to show that he has heard the call. "Can I help you defeat the dragon? I'm a dragon slayer as well and I don't want to a useless one. I'm (Y/n) by the way." You continued saying.

Cobra blinked as he just realized that this scene was happening again. After remembering the after results, he quickly moved away from the incoming dragon hand. He then jumped high up and landed onto the dragon while punching it whilst saying "Take this!"


I was standing in my position, confused and surprised. What did I just see? Did I just die? What happened? It showed that I took Cobra's position, and got squashed by the dragon's fist. What..just..happened?


Izumi-chan: sorry most of this story is about Ultear's past, but that's how it goes mannnn. (gomen gomen) I now want to try to have 1000 comments since the other two (reads and votes) are already

QOTD: any questions you guys would like to ask me?
Alternate QOTD: what is your obsession?
Mah Answerr: art materials/ Dota 2/ Anime


Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : boredom_is_here

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas

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