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Ivan POV

"I want to love you Ivan but you're not what I want anymore"

Those very words felt like multiple daggers to the chest, they swam around my head over and over again each time I recollect that moment the more damage is being done.

It was a stupid thing to say, especially at a fragile time like this but I couldn't help but feel tired of all this secrecy and slow movement of our relationship.

I wanted her to know exactly how I feel but now seeing how everything has turned out, I am starting to doubt my sudden bravery and choice of confessions.

Now I sit alone and frustrated in my large office, I hadn't moved a muscle since I came in here, all I've done is think of Rogue and the never ending regret.

Doubting or second guessing my decisions were things I never did, so the constant dwelling of my actions was beginning to stress me out.

Throwing my mate in prison was probably the cruelest and the most unjustifiable thing I have ever done, Rogue is so innocent and child like that a night in that place will most definitely fuck with her sanity. I'm not exactly sure what I thought I would get from locking her away but it was a poor decision chosen by an angered mind.

Of course she wasn't going to like me after I let her out and I'm certain she wasn't going to confess her love for me either.

However I was certain that Tobias was not going to have her, she really is naive and foolish to think that Tobias was a kinder being then me, he's incapable of loving someone especially a young human like Rogue.

My advanced hearing was picking up footsteps that were heading my way, they were heavy and quick suggesting the nearing person was angered or in a state of urgency.

The possibilities were endless, it could of been Rosalie rushing over here to beg me to let Rogue out or it could be Colt trying to convince me to cancel my sudden commands of attack.

I was in no mood for confrontation so whoever it was best turn around and leave me the fuck alone.

I cross my arms and wait patiently for the person to enter so I can get this over and done with.

The doors are pushed open and in marches Rosalie.

"To what do I owe this pleasure little witch" i huff out in aggravation.

"Let her go Ivan"

"Please get out Rosalie" I respond not wanting to proceed this meeting any further.

"She isn't a threat and you know it"

"I know nothing Rosalie and neither do you, so if it isn't too much trouble.... Please get the fuck out"

"She is your mate"

"Was, she was my mate" I correct.

"She still is Ivan, I know Rogue very well and I know for a fact that she didn't mean what she said"

"Well you clearly don't know her as well as you would like to think, are you forgetting that she threatened to kill me and hand Tobias my head on a platter"

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