No soul

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The rain fell from the dark sky in slow motion, I flew through the air nearing the forest in seconds.

My blades were drawn and adjusted ready for my attack.

A nearing Dhampir ran at me in supernatural speed, it mimicked my actions by redrawing it's weapons. A barbaric raw was pushed from its lungs as it withdrew its Blade, before he had time to react i swung my dracul blade in his direction  slicing the Dhampir completely in half.

Blood stained my skin and painted my face, licking the substance from around my mouth I l dragged my tongue along the blade consuming the warm liquid.

A knife pierced through the forest trees, landing in the centre of my chest, looking down at the blade I slowly removed it from my body. Black liquid oozed from my wound forcing my adrenaline levels to burst through the roof.

Flipping the knife so I was now holding the steel in my hand, I pulled back my hand and released the weapon back into the darkness. A scoffing sound was made suggesting the weapon had hit someone else in return.

My wound had healed itself and i prepared myself to enter the battle zone.

An armoured covered Dhampir jumped out from his hiding place with a spear in his hands. Before he has time to put his skills to use, a blade was wedged into his forehead.

Looking behind me I saw Colt along with some of my men as well as the leaders.

"You think I would really let our go out on your own?" Colt vocalised in a rhetorical tone.

"Keep up girls" i taunt before I disappeared into the forest.

Colt POV

Ivan took of into the forest and the rest of us followed.

It was unbelievably frightening to see how excited and joyous Ivan was. But it was no where near as terrifying as how skilled and well he was at killing.

We came into contact with the Dhampirs about 200 meters into the forest. Ivan has instantly taken charge, slaughtering the majority of the clan before any of us could react.

He danced around the blood soaked grass like some sort of exotic ballerina..... That's probably not the best analysis of Ivan but it was the first thing that came to mind.

He was like a little mosquito buzzing from body to body, draining the host leaving them empty and weak. His blade decapitated and de-limbed the beings in nanoseconds, their bodies were scattered on the floor and used as Ivan's stepping stones? They were trampled on. Ivan worked with such elegance, he would get the job done quick and done right, he murdered with skill and preciseness , sneaking around and attacking. All of his butchering was performed in the blink of an eye leaving his victims off guard and unable to defend themselves.

Ivan had urged further on leaving us behind, I let him go feeling confident that he could protect and look after himself.

"You guys go and get Rogue, make no attempt to capture prisoners. Keep them away from the house and make sure you remove their heads. Don't use your powers, we don't want them to know our capability" i instruct.

"There's five of us...we can't all go to get the girl" Gabriel stated

"Then split up, the mansions need guarding, the fallen Dhampirs need decapitating and their body needs to be disposed of. Someone needs to see where and how the Dhampirs got into our land... Check for time portals and underground entrances, but do not go in there. Return to the house once you've finished your jobs, no more then 1 hour out here, let's wrap this up" I inform.

They all nod their head with understanding and disperse into different areas.

Gabriel chose to assist me in eliminating the remainder dhamiprs as well as the retrieving Ivan.

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