Wake up

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Ivan POV









I was....lost.

A piercing feeling in my chest had begun to slow down my heartbeat.

The one thing that kept my heart beating was laying lifeless on an infirmary bed.

My feet had glued themselves to the floor and my body had frozen still. I had never been so unresponsive and wounded in my life.

The skin that covered the palms of my hands were currently being scratched and scraped due to the vigorous movement of my finger nails.

The weight from my body was being shifted from the left foot to the right as my hands tangled themselves in my hair. Pacing up and down the room, i roughly pulled on the strands of hair as I squeezed my eyes shut.

Before I flipped out and made this situation much worse, I had to remember what my father and Colt had told me about getting her soul back.

No matter what happens turning her would not be an option. It isn't fair and it is not my decision to make, she is far to young to be exposed to such power and unnatural abilities. I fear it would be to much for her to handle and unbearable to live with, taking away for human life to only replace it with a torturous lifestyle like mine would be inhumane and I'm certain it would be the cause of her destruction. I won't no part of that, I couldn't do that to her... Not now....not ever.

At this moment in time there was only one thing that I could do, something I should of done from the start, I'm going to take care of her.

Fighting my cowardly instinct to stay where I was, I eventually managed to remove my feet from the concrete floor, stalking forwards with caution and care, i position myself to the side of the steel table and stare helplessly at my mate.

Being so close to her had triggered something in me, out of nowhere my hands shot up from out of my pockets In attempt to reach for her. Regaining control in seconds I managed to fight the urge to touch her face or stroke her hair as I felt I was unworthy of the privilege.

Clenching my fists tightly I reluctantly lower my hands down to my sides. Deep breaths were often and consumed as I felt it was necessary to keeping things under control.

I have been in this situation more then once yet I am here again, you would of thought that I would of learned my lesson the first time but apparently not. Every single time this happens i swear to myself that I would never let it happen again and that I will change and try harder the next time around yet I never do, my words are meaningless and empty.

I had to stop saying things and begin to start doing them instead, I'm growing bored of the constant bullshit and lack of movement with Rogue. First time around the blame was worn on both of our shoulders but this time around I am the one to blame, she had every right to deny my love for her and to be frank I'm glad she did, it hurt like hell and It was a wake up call for me.

Rogue doesn't deserve this, she deserves better... I will be better, for her, for me, for everyone, for us.

When she wakes up Im going to do everything right this time, no more fighting, no more steps back, i will not stop until I see progress, this is my last chance to make things right between us and I'm going to fight with my life.

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