Guns guns guns

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Peace and quiet, is that so much to ask for ? I just need a god damn break. Everyone is going to have a fit when they find out I spoke with Tobias again, especially Ivan. He's going to pick and pull at me until I tell him every single detail, I'm not even going to bother lying my way out of this. Nothing gets past him, he'll have me sussed out the very second I open my mouth to start rambling. Not worth the stress or the hassle and the last thing I want or need is for him to doubt his trust in me.

Dusting myself off I turned to face the young boy who was staring at me in complete confusion . He looked familiar, I had definitely seen him walking around the estate once or twice. Not wanting to encourage a conversation with him I politely nodded my head and turned away walking in the opposite direction.

Continuing my travels down the grand hall my mates known voice caught my attention, stopping mid walk i retraced my steps. Slowing backing up not wanting to him to see me or I him. His voice got louder as he neared the corner of the end of the hall, darting back in the opposite direction I hid away. Peering round the corner, staying as hidden as possible but visible enough for me to poke my head out. If Anyone were to walk past they would think that I was playing a game of hide and seek with a child. Given how immature I was being, that assumption is much better than my current predicament. 

"I can smell you"

Furrowing my eyebrows, he couldn't possibly be talking about me Could he? I briefly thought to myself , clearly forgetting that he was a vampire with super enhanced senses. Not wanting to drag this out anymore I stepped out from behind the corner, His beautiful eyes locked onto mine and I gulped.
"What happened to you? I've never seen you run so fast, you were charging down the hall one minute and gone the next" he asked with a concerned look on his face.
" I'm not to sure what came across me, the screaming freaked me out I had to get out of there. I just kept running and running until I ended up here and now here I am, talking to you" A lopsided smile painted my sweaty face.

"And then what happened?" My eyes shifted to the people gathered behind him, their noses turned up and their eyes narrowed as they listened eagerly to our conversation. It felt like the room was closing in on me as beading eyes of on the onlookers stared into my soul but none of them made my palms sweat like the piercing eyes of my mate.
"......and then"-gulp. The desire to chicken out and spurt out a bunch of lies and twisted words crossed my mind as I struggled under the now intensifying pressure of my mate.

"And then......I was...... and I was with TOBIAS!" My eyes clenched shut not wanting to see Ivan's reaction.  Mutters of disbelief left the mouths of the bystanders.

I begin to relay all of the scenes that had just previously occurred during my time with Tobias, I had got caught up in the moment and given up more much detail than I would've liked or what one would deem necessary. But I couldn't help it, the damage was done and it was far too late to turn back now.

All the concern had been slapped from Ivan's face and and a distasteful expression had replaced it, which was well within reason of course. I couldn't blame him and I didn't, my torn words for a man that occasionally occupied my mind were the last things he wanted to hear. Especially during such a delicate time.

"Ivan please, please don't be mad. Even though you have every right to be I'm asking you not to. He said that no matter who I choose the other wouldn't give up...war is inevitable-"

"So you just thought fuck it, I'll choose him!" He interrupted. He pointed his finger at centre of my face, shaking with anger. I could see his mind ticking at a rapid speed as he fought hard to keep his cool calm demeanour. No words were said as I was nudged to the side as Ivan pushed past me, quickly responding to his actions I ran after him. Chucking myself In his path i placed my hands on his chest, pushing with all my might to get him to stop. My begs and pleads filled the halls as I fought to get his attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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