Shes right

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The mouths of my beloved friends resembled an O shape. I had explained the current situation, not missing out on a single detail, no matter how awkward or embarrassing it may on been.

"Wait so where is Ivan now? Did you just runaway from him?!" Tasha blurted out.

"Well yeah.... Kinda..... But the they were asking what happened and I just wanted to get out of that place.... I panicked!" I defend.

They both shook their heads in unisons in disapproval.

"What?" I question

"Don't you think that's a little unfair......... And childish?" Nicole asked.

"What!" I ask slightly offended.

"I mean, I don't want to upset or hurt you but if I was Ivan right now, I wouldn't very happy" Nicole added.

"We didn't actually have sex, it was in our heads" I defend.

"Yeah I get that Rogue, it's just that every time you share sort of intimacy with Ivan you run away to gossip about it" Nicole continued.

Leaning back onto the wall and placing my head in my hands I let out a heavy sigh.

"Oh god... You're right. I didn't even think about it like that! It's just that before all of this I was on my own. When my parents died and everyone gave up on me, I never had anyone to talk to..... There was no one there too listen." I confess.

The room went silent and I could see the girls expressions sadden.

"Shit..... I'm such a bitch" Nicole said.

"No you're right..... I should probably go back to Ivan, is it alright if I use your shower first? I wanna freshen up before I talk to him"

Their heads nodded in sync as they stepped to the side allowing me to pass through.

The shower was short and I spent even less time getting ready. Casual clothes and minimal  amounts of makeup covered my face, my appearance screaming "no fucks given".

I hadn't spent long talking to the girls on my way out, as none of us really had anything important to say so it seemed unnecessary to continue the conversation.

My footsteps were quick and rushed, I felt like the need to hurry. I don't know why but it just felt like an urgent matter.

Everyone I passed had the same shocked expression like I wasn't supposed to be here. They all had probably heard of my resurrection and were confused as to why I was now speed walking across the mansion.

Ivan had came into view quicker then expected, I thought after my quick departure he would of stomped off like an angry child.... Sort of what I did.

He looked angry from the distance that I was at but then as I got closer his expression read fear and nervousness. The fact that I ran for the hills after what had happened probably had left his ego a little wounded and his confidence slightly lower than usual, but then again this was Ivan we were talking about here.

His goons were all stood around him and had all continued to stare me out until I was only standing a few meters away from him.

"It's returned" one of them commented.

"Treason life not good enough for you?" Another added.

"What, you couldn't build an empire of your own so you had to help build someone else's instead. How is life on your knees? ass kisser! Don't tell me, you owe Ivan a great debt. I've heard it all before now if you don't mind pulling your heads out of your majesty rear end I would like to speak to him, alone" I retaliate with irritation. 

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