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I followed Thorin and the other dwarves as we left the goblin cave, I stared at the back of Thorin's head but he never turned around.
We kept on walking until we stopped in a clearing there were trees near the edge of the cliff?.
I sat down on the ground as the others stood talking but paused when my elf ears picked up an unmistakable howl in the distance, Orcs.
We were being followed.
Everyone began to climb up the trees but my legs felt as though they were made of lead. I was frozen in fear as I stared at the dark shapes now getting dangerously close.
Thorin gave me a shove from behind and yelled "Get up the tree!"
I turned to glare at him but I still climbed quickly up the tree.
Crouching on the branch I stared at the ground as Orcs and Wargs surrounded the trees and tried to jump up.
My hands were shaking but I felt someone grab onto my hand and squeeze it.
I smiled gratefully at the owner of the hand and he smiled briefly before turning away as Gandalf began to light pinecones and throw them down on the ground.
I leaned my head back and rested it on Thorin's shoulder.
"Azog." I heard him say, shocked.

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