The Candy Floss Edit

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My mind wanders from this afternoon's lecture on Accountability and the Law for Corporate Governance to Harry.  I have no idea why he has popped into my thoughts, after all I declined his offer to go out and don't expect to hear from him again.

I can't stop replaying all the events from Thursday when he arrived.  Not being an impromptu girl, I am a natural over analyser and need to try and make some sense of it all. 

The times I have been in Harry's company his attentiveness towards me is nothing like I have ever experienced before. The staring at our first meeting, opening up about himself when he showed me the photographs on his camera, the lunch invite yesterday and culminating with the awkward moment when he asked me to go out. 

Further over thinking it, a small part of me so wishes I had the confidence to say yes but I don't and I didn't.  I've been asked out a few times and politely declined without giving it a second thought so why on this occasion with him it is playing so heavily on my mind?  Perhaps it's something to do with the wonderful day yesterday and feeling so utterly comfortable in his company.  It still wasn't enough for me to say yes though and I snap my focus back to my lecture leaving my thoughts still very disappointed. 

When I arrive home from college I decide to throw myself into studies for a few hours.  I'll eat later then get an early night.  After writing up a couple of assignments I push myself to re-read the chapter in my text book about media law then I must get some food as my stomach is rumbling.  I've been reading for about 10 minutes when the doorbell disturbs my silence.  Glancing up I notice it is completely dark outside and looking at the clock it's 7.30pm.  I'm not expecting anyone, perhaps it's Albert from next door or a door salesman. 

At the front door I place the chain on the catch and peer through the peephole to see if I can identify the figure standing on the other side.  I can't make out who it is so I open the door a fraction.  My breath literally catches in my throat as my mouth drops open at the sight of Harry.  His broad smile greets me along with a waft of the familiar cologne that melts my insides as its scent tickles my senses.  A large sheepskin coat adorns his torso and his curly locks tease his shoulders. The trademark black skinny jeans follow the contours of his lean legs, tucked into brown suede boots at their end.  I am absolutely blown away by the presence of him standing on my front porch. 

I slide the chain off the door and open it a little further.   

"Hi Natasha," he smiles warmly.

"Hi Harry," I greet him with surprise as I don't know what else to say to him.  Did he think I said yes about tonight?  Appearing to read my exact thoughts he says, "I know you said no but I've got tickets to go out tonight and wondered if you would change your mind?" He's shuffling nervously from one foot to the other. 

I stare at him still lost for words.  "How did you know where I live?" I ask him in wonder.

He lets out a small chuckle, tilting his head from side to side, his lips pressed together in a smirk like a naughty schoolboy. "Well, sort of found your address in mum's phone," he admits unashamedly.

It strikes me instantly at the continuous lengths he has gone to over the past few days.  Lunch invite, asking me out, finding my address and turning up on my doorstep with a planned night out.  These are certainly not the actions of someone acting on a whim.  I've knocked him back and he's still here.  The internal war I am having with myself rages on.  The opportunity to correct my regret by taking the second chance and saying yes is being hampered by my ever firm guard that is shielding me from allowing anything through.  

"Um, I can't Harry, I'm sorry," I'm hesitant as my emotions fiercely wrestle each other. 

"Just a few hours, as friends?" He expresses questioningly. 

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