The Heaven Edit

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We spend the next five days at the Loch Cottage together taking advantage of the remoteness of the location and no interruptions.

We don't watch TV, look at the newspapers or even switch on our phones. The air is so clean I feel like I can breath again. The quiet gives us time to think everything through with clear heads. We talk, walk, cuddle, sleep, laugh and spend the mornings and evenings sitting on the hillside wrapped up in each other looking out over the Loch watching the sun come up and go down.

The mornings are beautiful with the sun shinning brightly off the surface of the water. At night, only the twinkling lights of the few houses scattered on the other side of the Loch are visible. Other than that the night is completely black, dark and silent. In this time we become closer than ever.

On the third afternoon, I pop back into the town to get something for supper that evening. The drive is only ten minutes and it astounds me how I can go from remote setting to built-up area so quickly. I love this place and feel so comfortable here.

I want to get something special and buy Scottish salmon caught locally that morning, crème fraiche, chive salad and new potatoes. Mint choc-chip ice-cream finds its way into the basket along with the usual bottle of white wine and some beer.

When I return to the cottage, I can't find Harry anywhere. I venture out into the garden to see he has set up a camp.

The large black sofa cushions lay on the ground, covered in cream and grey checked blankets and the crisp white cotton covered pillows from the bed. To protect the camp from the small hillside breeze he has surrounded the cushions with an old worn out beach windbreak he must have found in the garage but covered it in white sheets to make it look presentable. On each of the windbreak posts hang small cream lanterns, each has a tea light flickering inside. Finally, Bear Grylls eat your heart out, has set up a small open campfire waiting to be lit to keep us warm.

"This is brilliant Harry thank you," I smile at him and give him a hug.

I go back inside to prepare the food and watch Harry from the kitchen window having difficulty lighting the fire. After a few unsuccessful attempts it finally takes and flames dance towards the sky and we have heat and more light for our camp.

He stands over his camp creation looking so proud of it and I chuckle to myself at the little things that give him and I so much pleasure. For two people who lead quite complicated lives, we really do feel more comfortable with the simple creature comforts.

We sit on the cushions, toes warming by the fire and tuck into the salmon. It is so delicious, it practically melts on my tongue. Harry reckons we won't eat the whole tub of ice-cream as "wanna bet" smirks off my lips. We both devour the whole lot, feeding each other from the one spoon I brought out into the garden as we can't be bothered to go into the house and get another. Harry keeps purposely letting the spoon miss my mouth so I get ice cream all over my face giving him an excuse to kiss and lick it off.

We lie down, me on my back and him on his side, his head resting on his palm and looking down at me. We just simply savour the moment of being happily together again. 

Harry leans down so his lips are just touching mine.  "I love you" falls from his mouth into mine as he kisses me. My arms wrap around his neck pulling him onto me. "I love you more" spills from mine as our tongues join to deepen the kisses.

Harry is breathing fast as his hand caresses up and down my clothed body. His soft lips graze over my jawline and neck. His hand cups my cheek and his thumb runs over my cheekbone, accelerating my heart and stirring my insides.  His eyes are bright and he smiles.

"I've missed you and want you so much." Then he realises what he's said and stops, moving away from me his eyes wide. "I'm so sorry, forget I-"

I still him placing my palm on his cheek making me look at me. "Please make love to me."

He's flustered as his hand tugs through his tangled curls. "No, I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that, forgive me."

"But I want you, all of you, please Harry, I'm ready."

He hesitates concern in his loving emerald eyes, "are you absolutely sure this is what you want. You have to be sure."

"Yes, I've never been more sure of anything."

His features soften, "ok beautiful, but please if-."

My index finger finds his lips "I know Harry, I will, I promise."

He puts his arms around me, pulling me close into his chest, "slowly ok?"

Looking up at him I respond, "yes, slowly." He plants a small kiss on the end of my nose.

And we make love for the first time under the blanket of stars that twinkle like they are smiling down on us. The chill of the evening air brushes over our skin but so much warmth is between us it is pushed away on the breeze.

It's slow and sensual and amazing and real. Harry's touch is gentle as his safe reassuring hands explore my whole body, caressing it. His kisses leave trails of warm imprints all over my body that tingle long after his lips have moved on.

He's taking me to a place I didn't think was ever possible to go. I close my eyes and I'm on a swing, flying high through the sky as it glides backwards and forwards smoothly through the air.  

Every loving kiss and every gentle touch pushes me higher and higher but I know I'm safe as my hands hold tightly onto the strong rope handles taunt but soft in my palms. The feeling is so incredible that I don't want to jump off, I want to carry on swinging, smiling and laughing and edging nearer to heaven.  As the swing flies through the air one last time, "Come with me Natasha" rasps slowly through my ears and the words push me over the edge. I let go of the ropes and take the leap of faith towards heaven. 

I open my eyes wide and the view before me is breathtaking. I'm freefalling through the sky like a bird but it doesn't hurt because my wings are with me, powerful and protective and guiding me safely down. A sudden surging rush of pleasure consumes my entire body and as I continue my fall through the air, it is so amazing and strong that it radiates out bringing my courageous wings with me. Suddenly, I'm on the ground and I only feel happiness and love as my handsome wings circle around me and hold me tight in that safe place once more.

"Are you ok?" Harry nuzzles into my hair.

I bury my head in his chest, "yes more ok than you will ever know, I love you so much."

"Natasha that was incredible, I love you too."

We both fall asleep, our bodies entwined around each other, happy, content and in love under the stars.

The Beautiful Hummingbird - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now