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"hey babe." my beloved boyfriend since freshman year kissed me

"so what's the plan for today?" i asked

"you wanna grab some taco bell or something after school?"

"if you wanna..."

"babe whatever you want to do." he chuckled

"so i guess we're going to taco bell." i smiled

"anyways babe see you at lunch." he kissed my lips before be left shooting me a wink

"ugh get over yourselves," the infamous sammy wilkinson said

"what do you want sam?" i groaned not wanting to argue

"what? i can't just want to hang out with my best friend?"

"im sorry." "what do you want to talk about?"

"nothing just wanted to bug you." he said running off as i walked to my next class; french

oh how i hated this class everything had to be spoken in fluent french.

i took my sit and pretended to take note while i secretly drew on my hand, oh no

"mrs.fran may i please go to the bathroom." i asked

"miss iris i've told you multiple times to always speak in french."

"ugh fine... mrs.fran p-peut i s'il vous plaî-ît aller à la s-salle de bain?"

"aller tête." [go head]

if she kept me any longer i would've thrown up all over the kid in front of me. i exited the class room acting all normal, until i was in the hall way.

i rushed to the bathrooms makings sure no one was in the stools and began to throw up. i could literally see my breakfast in the toilet. i washed my face and my mouth, putting a piece of mint gum into my mouth. i rushed to the class noticing that the bell was about to ring.


"babe..." i said playing with matt's hair as he laid on my shoulder

"yes my love?" i love it when he calls me that

"im not sure if im still up for taco bell after school.,"

"what why not? you would never turn down taco bell." he said

"i know its just im feeling every under the weather ever since french."

"aw my poor baby." he pouted "i'll take care of you, if i have too." he said

"no matt i think im okay, but thanks."

"anytime," he pecked my lips

"could you guys not like not infront of us?" the infamous comments from jack johnson finally kicked in

"oh stop." i hit his arm that was on the table

"anyways where's g?" matt asked

"probably with trash can evie." johnson said

"aw johnson it's okay to be overprotective of g." i said

"yea yea i know adorable." he rolled his eyes


"mom im home!" of course i didn't receive an answer

i heard shuffling in the kitchen, what the hell?

i grabbed a baseball bat my mother keeps near the fire place to style our living room.

"whose there?" i asked as i went into the kitchen coming face to face with the person

"whoa what are you doing? nazi!"

"chris!" i yelled

"hey little sis." he hugged me tightly

"oh how much i missed you and hey you could have been a killer for all i know." i laughed

"yea yea, i missed you." he said into my neck


"well goodnight chris! it was good seeing you hopefully you come visit again!" i said before he left


hello it's me! anyways this is a short chapter because im too lazy to write a full length chapter, but trust me the other chapter are going to be long. anyways i decided to write this and see where it goes because most of my other books usually go into the trash but still.

- ya girl m ;)

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