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"so what happened?" mel asked

"ugh don't you guys know already, its all over school." i said taking a bit of my granola bar

"you told him and he broke up with you?" steph said

"i didn't tell him..." "and-d i broke up with him. it's better if everyone thinks he broke up with me."

"why didn't you tell him nazi., he deserves to know."

"i can't ruin his dream., and plus if i did he would just leave me... so i made it easier for-" i was cute off

"for you or him?"

"me..." i answered "don't worry after what i did, i can't even look at myself in the mirror."

"when are you planning to tell him?" mel asked

"uh never.." i bit my lip

"what naz-"

"i won't have my belly till september or late november and he'll be in stanford."

"what about your education?"

"what about it? im not giving it up just because im going to have a child... i saved enough money for my first year of college and i'll just take online courses or go to community college."

"okay.. as long as you're okay with what you're doing."

"uh guys you give me and nazi a few minutes to talk? alone?" someone said and head rose up... matt

they left and matt said nothing which made me say nothing

"why?" he said after a few minutes later

"matt stop.," i said getting up

"come on the whole school is starring, can we just talk." he said as he held my hand. his warm hands against my cold hand was the best feeling ever

i sat down "matt i don't want to talk about it... talking about it makes it one thousand times worst then it already is..."

"why are you upset... you broke up with me." he said

"yea but the school doesn't know that and i have feelings too you know., i may have been who broke up with you but the reason is killing me."

"so what's the reason?"

"i can't say matt."

"oh and why not?" he said


i have to tell him

he's going to leave everything for you; you don't want to be the reason he didn't get a full education..

we love each other and we would never hold a grudge against each other

clear this right here is one and you may never know...

"you're going to college far from here., and it's better if we just stop lying to each other and stop."

"who's lying?!" he said getting frustrated and getting everyone's attention; he never yelled at me like this... i deserve this

"matt sit you're making a scene.."

"a scene?! i'll show you a fucking scene." his voice grew bigger then before

you see i told you we should've told him

nazi get out of the lunch room now before it gets worst... you know you it's going to get worst...

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