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february 8 2016
4:00 pm

"mat-t." i said as we both stood in the kitchen

"what? what's wrong?" he asked

"my water just broke." i said

"does it hurt? what should i do?-" i cut him off saving him- or me actually from a much of questions

"just take me into your car and drive me to the hospital." i said

he began walking me slowly then gave in an picked me up. which is what I didn't want him to do because he would have my 'water' in his hands which actually smelled a lot like pee but its all good. the ride was actually claiming, it didn't hurt as much as they make it seem in the movies. i wasn't yelling at matt.. although he was very nervous

"matt just focus on the road." i said with both hands on my stomach

"okay okay, we'll be there in a few." he said

we arrived at the emergency room and i was sent to a normal patients room.., i guess he's not ready to come out yet.

"are you family?" i heard the nurse ask matt before he continued to my room

"yea i'm here finance," he lied

these are going to be the longgggggggest hours of my life

5:00 am

"matt go get the nurse or doctor! go get someone!" i yelled seeing him freak out

matt ran out of the room., and the nurse can in running she and other nurses pushed my bed out of the room. rushing to the delivery room

"matt call my parents im not having this baby until they get here." i said before the two doors closed

i groaned and yelled trying to keep this child in until my parents came.

"miss iris, he need to come out now, if you wait an longer you'll need to get the shots." the doctor said and a few seconds later they busted threw the door

i could see matt trying not to making disgusting faces.

"come on nazi only a few more pushes." he held my hand

"shut up this is all your fault!" i yelled not knowing i did and matt stood there trying not to laugh

in a matter of minutes or seconds he was born. all i could see was blood, bright lights, my parents, and matts face. i could heard crying, he's here i tried sitting up to see him but matt stopped me. i could see the nurses cleaning him, and the doctor about to cut the umbilical cord.

"uh doctor is it okay if matt cuts the cord?" i asked and he handed the scissors to matt., matt had been talking about cutting the core since he knew.

once matt cut the core i was able to hold him., i began crying ugh.

"what are you guys naming him?" my mother asked

we looked at each other "mason scott espinosa." we said in sync, i wanted the name mason and matt wanted scott. which i felt he didn't need to have a part in the first or middle name because he has the last name but its whatever. after that the nurse took mason and cleaned up the room. if you ask me that room looked like a murder scene.

the doctors said it will take me six weeks to recover., and for those people who never paid attention in health class. the child comes out of the vagina and you don't even need to be smart to under the neat part. the head of the new born child is like the size of a christmas globe (or whatever) so basically it's big. and the vagina gets bigger, so they have to stitch it up and it takes six weeks to recover.

i stayed at the hospital for one week. my whole family came to see the baby, and so did matts. when we knew the gender we didn't bother to tell anyone because we wanted it to be a surprise to them. stephanie, melanie, johnson, gilinksy, sam we nice enough to visit. i was still weak from the actually birth, and matt was weak as well because he barely had any sleep. i keep telling him to go home and actually get some rest, but he denies.


"yes?" he asked laying down at my side

"go get some rest at you house." i said

"no, im going to stay with you every night you're here."

"come on i can call my mom to come so you can get some actual rest.." i said "and plus im only staying for like two more nights you can go."

"but I don't want to leave you here." he pouted

"but you need to.., please for me. go get some rest.."

"okay fine but not until your mom comes."

"oh she's on her way, i called her when you went to the bathroom." i said

"goodnight babe." he kissed my forehead

my mom came in a matter of minutes, letting matt go home.

"hi darling." i thought she was talking to me but she went straight to mason

"hey i exist too." i said (what i tweet when matt notices everyone but me)

"guess what?" my mother said


"myles is in town." i froze trying not to pretend like i didn't heard that..

"why? did you tell him?" i asked

"no.., he saw your and matt's instagram post."

"this can't be happening." myles was a child i met in california we went out for five months, until i told him it was better if we didn't see each other.

"why did he come her.. it's not like mason is his or anything."

"honey you guys did date for five months it could e possible.."

"but mom mason was growing in me before california."

"shh. you're going to wake him." she points to mason "and i know honey but he could still think mason his."

"ugh.." i said hopefully he didn't come to virginia to see if the child is his and i mean we barely had sex!


"good morning lovely." matt said

"oh hi matt." i said "how'd you sleep?" i asked sitting up

"good but very worried because i wasn't at your side." he said and i giggled

"anyways one more night and we're outta here." i said looking at mason

"i can't wait.." he said

my parents were nice enough to let matt say with us, and turn our guest room into a nursery. i told them to tut chris' room as a nursery but they don't didn't listen to me.. oh well.

matt went to go get mason and sat down on the end of the bed.

"i. am. your. father." he said in a deep voice making we die of laughter

"you're a great father i already see it." i said

"thanks and you're not too bad for a mother." he smirked

"you're lucky you have mason in your hands and that im old and elderly right now." i said making him laugh

"you're an adorable old lady." he laughed

"love you." i said playing with the need sheets

authors note;;;;;;


so what do you think about this chapter?:) i liked it even if its a bit short, its pretty good if ya ask me anelabssbsksgsk;))))

ANY WHORE i love this book so far... i just LOVE IT ya know?  it's like the story line was calling my name.. eh im weird;////


- ya girl m👼💦

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