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begin in Virginia brought so much joy to my heart, it was the most heart warming place on earth. once I got home I saw my dad and acid asleep.

once my father woke up I told him the news and about all the crazy shit that happened. i told my father to go pack his things because meanwhile he'll be living with mason, acid and i. I began packing Mason's things, im pretty sure he'll miss his room. it took me a whole day just to pack Mason's things because he never wants to stop drawing. once my father came home i asked him to help me take out one of the sides of the door frame. because we measured masons height on that everyday. he barely grew but it was fun to have around. nothing was in Mason's room because we moved everything to the moving truck.

day two;

today i was doing the kitchen and living room. it wasn't as hard as Mason's room because it was full with memories. i grabbed the white plates and but them into boxes with bubble wrap. i did the same with the glass cups, and silverware. the things that were plastic I just threw into a box.

i left all the boxes in the kitchen until we finished the living room. i had a few friends come over to help me, they were from highschool. so basically half the football team that were town. they helped load the couch into the truck. I grabbed the boxes from the kitchen and took them into the truck.

i told my father to go to California and take acid so they wouldn't have to wait. i told them to wait in my old apartment because I had already paid rent for the month and it was going to waste so I may as well.

day three;

my room was next, as much as I hated to admit i loved it because it reminded me of matthew. everything in there was based on my feelings for Matt. That's why it was black and white.

i walked up stairs and saw Mason's drawings,

i entered my room for the first time since i came to Virginia. i went over to my photos none of which really meant anything to me, they were all Myles. i put them into my box anyways, i looked happy in them so that's all that mattered. i gently took down the lights that i put to make my mirror look nice.

i saw a picture of mason and I were laying in bed, i read the back and I said
'masons first smile'. ugh i was such a teen mother.

"hey nazi., you okay?" micheal a former football player asked

"um yea," i wiped my tears "just these picture are bring back so many memories."

"it's okay." he hugged me

"it's really not, my life is going to be harder from now on,"

"if it does nazi im just a call away. and yes we're like a billion of miles away from each other but I'll still always be there."

"thanks mike." i smiled

day four;

today was the day where I went to my mothers house to get my things from my room. although I still hated her very much i sort of forgave her.

"darling you're early," she smiled

"yes well I have to get stuff done." I said as I walked up stairs

i stood in the door way not wanting to enter. my mother said she never went inside, and she never let anyone which I don't know why she would let anyone in but whatever.

the scent of the rosemary trees filled my nose.

this was where I grew up.

this is where matt and i first kissed

this is where sam and i would play video games

this is where stephanie, melanie, and i pranked called people telling them they were whores

this is where skate and i used to play fight even though I would win every time

this is where Johnson and I would prank call g and act like we were girls from our class telling him he was hot

this is where Matt and i first made love...

i would never forget this place.

i walked to the window remembering all the times matt would climb just to see me.

i sat on my bed and cried, just like I did when i first found out I was pregnant. just like when Matt and I got into a fight and he felt

i wiped my tears

no more tears nazi you cry too much

i went to my bathroom. pictures all over the mirror, of Matt and i. i never got a chance to take them down, because I didn't want to when my mom told me to leave.

i took them down and put them into my box. i took down all the pictures I had but the ones on my wall.

i grabbed my typewriter and put it into a box with multi wrappings of bubble wrap

i left my posters and my bed mattress, i told my mother I was leaving them because i wanted everything in the same place when I come to visit her.

i exited the room not wanting to grow up. i turned around

"this is it"

i locked the door before i left and said bye to my mother.

day five;

it's time!

i was flying back to California and the movers were driving.

and according to Google it takes 39 hours to get to California from Virginia.

AND also according to Google 39 hours is 1.625 days so they'll be in California in 1.625 days:) (im like very dumb so don't judge)

authors note;

I don't know what the fuck I was talking about in the end but I don't care so it's a win win for me. ANYWHORE I LIKED THIS CHAPTER! UNTIL NEXT TIME ENJOY THIS CHAPTER OVER AND OVER AGAIN OKAY THANKS BYE

-ya whore m🐘

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