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i don't know what to write so if this doesn't make sense just bare with me:)


"oh hi myles." i was shaking

"nazi, oh my gosh im so glad i ran into you." he hugged me

"why is that so?" i asked

"you know wanted to catch up.." and talk about my child."

"your child? you have a child back in california? way to go myles." i lightly punched his big muscles snap out of it nazi

"what? no i mean the one with you." he said

"what? you're not the father of mason." i said confused (i wasn't really but y'know)

"oh yea then who is?" he said

"well liste-"

"who is what nazi?" matt walked to my front porch

"the father of her baby.." myles decides to cut in

"well that will be me." he said

"that cant possibly be the father..." nazi come on.." myles said

"he is... myles if you actually let me talk them i'll explain to you.."

"go ahead."

"okay so me and matthew." i pointed at matt "we were a couple since freshman year... and a couple of weeks to the end of school. i begin having the signs of pregnancy, i need up begin pregnant and i went to california to get away from matt because i didn't tell him." and i didn't want to tell him because i'll ruin his dreams."

"and that's where i meet you and we began dating.." i said trying to not make eye connection with matt

"okay but that doesn't explain why the child isn't mine."

"okay bud you can leave now you're clearly making her comfortable, so you gonna go."

"no nazi we had sex you know we did."

"yes we did but myles don't lie to yourself you know it was only once and you for sure didn't break the condom." i said before closing the door

"what the hell nazi?" matt asked

"what?" i asked

"i didn't think you would've moved on that fast.." he said

"but matt you moved on wayyyyyy faster then me.." and plus i just dated him to get you off my mind." i said

"okay okay.." he cupped my face and kissed me


"im so tried." i said as we laid down with mason in between us

"yea same." matt said

i took mason and walked him to his nursery and put him into his crib... and walked back to my room.

"we probably have a few minutes." i said laying down next to an already sleeping matt i laughed

i rested my head for a few minute then got up because mason began crying. i needed some sleep and i didn't want to awake matt. so i but mason back in his crib and made some space and jumped in. i know i know what a bad parent., but hey don't judge me i need my sleep too.

i learned that mason doesn't like to sleep without matt or i next to him.. so that was very annoying. mason and i slept for thirty minutes and i made food for matt and i.

"babe." i shook him

"matt," "matthew" "espinosa" "ugh just wake up already"

"what do you want nazi?" he asked

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