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"babe what's wrong?"

"it's nothing, it's just my disgusting- never mind."

"come one you can tell me..."

"no matt i really can't its just confusing even to me."

"just tell me what's bothering you."

"the question is what isn't bothering me., matt i love you for trying to make me feel better but i would love to just be by myself. thanks." she closed her locker

"oh okay i guess.." he paused "no wait.. what am i going to do if i can't be around you?"

"im not sure hang out with sam or g because j is mine." she said before walking off

"hey wait we have class together first." he grabbed her arm

"right sadly." she joked

"hey! you can try to ignore me all you want but you know you can't last a day without me." he crossed his arms as they walked down the hall

"i can so, i can maybe even for a month or two." she said

"okay let's not push it that far; we both know we can't last that long." he laughed nervously

"whatever but i still love you., and you still love me." i smiled

"of course darling."

"um matt?"

"yes hun."

"never mind."

"what's wrong honey, you are always like this ugh."

"i know but i can't help it., im not even sure what's bothering me... i-i."

"nazi just say it.."

"come over tonight, okay?"

"okay babe i love you." he kissed me and we walked to class

it was weight training., what a bad day. every day that started with weight training was going to be a horrible day

i walked to stephanie and melanie. matt drifted off to g and sam.

"hey girls." i said as we walked to the locker rooms

"ay there's your bitch mel." stephanie said

"where were you these pass days?" mel asked

"i didn't feel so good, so i basically begged to go home."

"for the whole week?"

"yea pretty much."

"hoe." stephanie rolled her eyes

"whatever." i said starting to change

when we were done we walked out to the machines and did whatever we wanted to work out

i plugged in my earphones and put my music on shuffle and justin bieber's 'company' off his new album 'purpose' came on and i was blessed.

i went to a random machine and began working out pretending to know what i was doing but in reality i was completely lost... i drifted off into a different world and totally forgot about everything until matt came in my sight

"what?" i took out my earphones

"the bell rung its time for homeroom."

i ran to the lockers and changed quickly and ran to the third floor hoping they won't mark me late.

"im here mr. q." i said out of breathe

"chill nazi he isn't even here." j said

"oh thank god." i took my seat and tried to relax for a bit

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