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i drove home shedding a lot of tears, and i haven't been crying lately because there was no reason to. but i cried because i kissed matt back, so now he knows i still have feelings for him. i pulled over to a random place knowing that if i continued driving i meant get into a car accident.


"hey are- are you okay?" matt asked

"uh, I'm fine." i  sniffed siping her tears

"I know you're lying."

"what makes you think that?"

"it's common sense.." he said wanting me to tell him my name

"nazi," and you are?"

"matthew- well you can call me matt"

"why'd you come over here?" I asked

"well I thought you wanted closer but if you don't I totally understand." he said getting up from the bench

"no it's okay,"

"okay good because I actually enjoy talking to you." he smiled making me giggle

"you dated Nate last year right?" he asked completely off topic

"um.. yea." i looked down at my hands

"oh im sorry,"

"no it's okay."

we sat down for a good 10 seconds with no talking

"you have an eyelash on your cheek." he chuckled

I wiped my face trying to get it off
"is it gone." I asked and he chuckled even more

"let me get it." he wiped my cheek gently, and his warm hand against my cold cheek just felt right

"thanks" I said and he nodded


"well it's time to go home, but I really like you nazi. we should hang out sometime.bye " he smiled and walked away

"bye matt," i smiled

*end of flashback*

i cried and cried even more remembering the time when matt and i first met. everyone thought he was a jerk but when we talked he was a whole different person.


"ugh you know what i should get going anyways,"

"matt stay," i pouted

"you'll just keep yelling at me."

"no i won't i promise."

"no, you always say that nazi."

"come on," i said hugging him

"nazi stop," i wrapped my legs around his torso

i could tell he was getting angrier but i didn't care,

he went back to my bed and tried dropping me into it, but i held on tighter. he keep jumping on the bed to get me off him but he soon gave up

"so you'll stay?"

"fine," he said and i bite the side of my lip

"don't do that," he chuckled

"why mr.espinosa can't handle it?" i smirked

"nazi i don't know if you can tell but i already have a bonerjeishs," he whispered into my ear

"oh," i just laughed

"so please stop," he said just laying on top of me

i began kissing his neck while playing with his hair

"nazi stop you're being a fucking tease."

"okay i'll stop," i said but i still played with his fluffy hair

he began kissing me on my neck and by this time he knows where my weak spot is.

"you're being the tease now," i hit his chest

"come on just let me kiss you," he said laughing a bit while i moved my head so he won't

he then grabs my face and pulls my face closer to his, but he doesn't kiss

"you can kiss me now," i said

"eager much?"

i just pulled his face the one inch closer so we can kiss

"i love you," i said

"i love you too," he says

"what are you going to do with karl there?" i laughed

"nothing just let it happen,"

matt and i both agreed to call his dick, karl kucumber.

*end of flashback*

i laughed at how stupid we both were, but times like this were the times that i missed. we used to always fool around in my room because my parents were never home and matt wanted to always keep me company.

our relationship was the only thing i focused on for all four years of highschool. matt knew how much he meant to me and i don't know what i would've done without him. i probably won't be here anymore,

the thought of all this made me cry even more, matt made me a mess.

author note;
short chapter :( but i like the flashbacks. i didn't have any ideas for this chapter but i was inspired by the account "relationship.usa" im pretty sure that's they're acc but yea. the flashbacks were from the videos they posted

-ya whore m🐘

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