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matt and nazi both admitted they still loved each other. this is what they both wanted, they wanted each other and each other only. matt never wanted to leave, but nazi wouldn't let him speak. and nazi felt as if she was trap in a room on emotions because he left.

after they made up, matt moved in with nazi and helped take care of mason, as a father would do. nazi wouldn't see her self back with him because her emotions took over her whole body. matt always wanted to be with her and only her.

ten years later;

class of 2015 gathered by bishop ireton,

we were all back in Virginia to open our time capsule, i saw faces i couldn't stand. and people gave me faces, showing how disgusted they were of me because i had a child at a young age.

i stood next to michael, while the former football players digged for the box. one of them had finally reached it and we opened it. everything had names on it so everyone got something.

i had finally got a letter, it said my name in fine print. i opened it and began to read

to nazi;

oh how much i missed you, of course this was written before I left to college but i know for sure im going to miss you. i don't exactly know why you broke up with me, but im sure you had a reason. you know how much i hate writing unless it's to you, but i just wanted you to know how much i love you. i always love you no matter what, i can't wait to see what you've accomplished and i know whatever you do it's going to be great. once again i never stopped loving you ugly bear..

love matt

i haven't talked to matt in forever after our little break up that we both saw coming. the letter made me tear up, and i don't think i saw him here.

i will obviously always love him, and he knows that i just hoped that we were still together.

"hey," someone tapped my shoulder and i turned around

the stranger kissed me out of no where, and i weirdly and oddly felt a connection.

"what was that?" i pushed him

"im sorry that i still love you," he said

"matt..." it was matt, matt kissed me.


authors note;

this is the last chapter in secret OML! i hope all of you guys enjoyed this book.. i love all of you guys who read:) i liked this ending some what:/ but i love this book lots! this is the last time i'll be talking to you guys, im pretty sure i won't be making a sequel because there's not much to write. but if one of you guys want to make your own sequel  for this book and want to publish it dm me! i won't mind if someone wanted to make a sequel to show how they want the book to continue:)


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