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"ugh mason you're making a mess!" I yelled at him and he began crying

I sighed "I'm sorry, its just im really stressed out." I said getting down to his level and looking at him in the face

"it's okay mom," he taped my shoulder

"you're adorable matt- I mean mason." shit this is like the 23rd time this week i've said matt instead of mason.

"mom why do you keep calling me matt?"

"because you look like a matt hun." nice save

"mom remember uncle sam ?"

"yes what about him?" i continued to clean the wall which was all drawn on

"can we visit him?"

"no honey.. he doesn't bother to call so we're not going to bother to visit him."

"mom why are you so mean?" he pouted

"mason stop asking questions and go watch tv." I said getting annoyed

"i don't like you right now." he stomped to the living room

damn this kid is only three years old and he knows how to be sassy.


"what do you want now?"

"is myles coming over today?" (not california myles because that's weird lol)

"he comes everyday hun.."

"when are you going to dance school?"

"mason use your brain.. what days do you go to day care?"

"on monday, wednesday, and thrusday."

"that's when i go to school."

"but what about the one you take on the computer."

"I take that everyday mason."

"mom where's my dad?"

"mason it's time to stop asking questions and time to watch spongebob."

"mom, you always say that when I bring up-"

"mason got to your room!" i yelled getting frustrated making him cry. i hated making him cry.

he slammed his bed room door and you could hear him talking to his bear. the one matthew got him, he loved it.

"mason? open the door." I knocked and he unlocked it but didn't open

"im sorry for yelling at you but i've told you multiple time we don't talk about that okay.. you're too young to understand."

"okay mom." he ran and hugged me
I kissed his forehead repeatedly


"where's mason?" myles asked

"he's up stairs watching tv." I said

"im gonna go say hi to him." he ran up the stairs

myles and mason had a bond that no one could break. mason loved myles because he would always play with him when he had days off, which I never got. myles has a younger sister and loved taking care of her when she was very little.

"guys the dinners ready!" I yelled

they both came rushing down the stairs acting foolish

authors note;

probably the shortest chapter i've created yet lol, anyways this is garbage. I hope you guys are having a wonderful, amazing, day:)

.-. m🦄

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