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it was great to be in Virginia again, all my stress was soon taken away from the coolest of winter. it was winter season and i haven't felt this much coldest for months now. my mother picked me up from the airport and we both went home.

"i miss this place," i whispered to myself

i unlocked the door to my old bedroom and everything just the way i left it. i slowly sat down on my bed and realized how everything started from this place. i walked to my old dresser and saw clothes that now would probably not fit me. i laughed at all the clothes i had and never wore.

i unpacked all my things, although i wasn't staying for long. i already texted Michael and told him i was in town and that i needed his help. he was more then glad to help me. i opened my phone and finally got to see Sam's text messages.

'where tf are you?'
'you surely aren't being funny.'
'matts pissed'
'okay it sorta is funny'
'okay whatever don't answer'

gosh he's such a goof, but it wasn't my intention to make anyone pissed or for anyone to think me leaving is funny.

"honey if you want to eat the food is downstairs." my mom said as if she was apart of a white sitcom.

"okay mom."

i looked at the polaroids i took and at the posters i had up. they were all so perfect. i missed this room, i barely had any worries back then. i really wish i would relive all of my high school years....


"i missed you so much," i hugged Michael once i entered his house

"trust me i missed you more."

"that's impossible." i smiled

micheal was my best gay friend in high school. and he was the only gay person in our school. the football time didn't mind that he was gay, which was great because if they did they would all be killed in a second.

"that's been bugging you that you had to come all the way to Virginia?"

"mason and matt,"

"what about them?"

"i-im going to try to not cry while say this, but sammy told me matt still loves me and i." i gulped "we had this whole argument and i began yelling and mason got scared and didn't even want to look at me." it breaks my heart to see mason get scared of me,"

"nazi do you really think this was worth coming all the way here for?" you could've talked it out with mason, and you love matt too and im pretty sure you guys would love to be with each other."

"i know im stupid but honestly i knew matt was going to come to look for me, and i don't want to go out with him."

"don't you love him?"

"of course but im just scared; i don't want my heart broken for the fourth time,"

"fourth time?" girl i thought you were a slut," he laughed making me giggle

we had a full conversation and it was great because i barely cried. micheal and i spent the whole day together just taking catching up, and it was actually fun. we always had his bond that could never be replicable.

three days later;

today i was taking a flight back to California, and i wasn't really ready to face my problems.

"bye mom," i said remembering that she wasn't home for me to say bye

i took a taxi to the airport and took twenty deep breaths before entering the plane. i know that once i get into the same room as matt im going to break down. and i know that once i see mason im going to lose it but it's okay because Michael told me to pinch myself once i feel tears.

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