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last day of school...

i walked up to stephanie and melanie

"last few minutes girls." i hugged them

"last day." they said in sync

"we're going to miss you when you're in cali." stephanie pouted

"aw i'll miss you guys too but it's a family thing. and plus you guys will just in the way of me and justin bieber falling in love." i laughed

"aw my babe is delusional." melanie patted my back

"no we're going to have children together." i lightly pushed her and the people walking by have me nasty looks

"you both keep dreaming, we're already married." stephanie flipped her black hair

"oh shut up." we both pushed her making her lose her balance

"aye there's nazi." i heard jj said

"johnson!" i yelled

"hey babe haven't seen you in forever." he said

"i know." i said

"i'll miss you, and i hate you for going to cali and not inviting me." he said

"yea yea but i heard you got into a college there!" i said

"yea me and gilinksy got a scholarship to a music school and oh my fuck nazi we're so happy."

"im so happy for you guys." i said

"what about wilk?" i asked

"same as you., staying here, online college." he said

"yay! i'll have a friend here." i laughed

"yea.'" johnson laughed

"well nazi we should get going if you want us to drop you off and want to catch your flight."

"i'll be back in a second." i ran to the other part of the school

"hey.." i said

"nazi." he smiled

"good luck at stanford." i hugged him

"good luck with online college." he said

"thanks and again you're going to do great." i said

"yea you've said that one million times."

"well it's true. but try to keep in touch during the summer." i said and walked off

"sam!" i said

"oh there you are." he sighed


"nothing just have a great summer see you in september." he smiled

"yea maybe we can hang out sometimes you know." i said

"well i have to run, but i'll text you or something."

i ran to stephanie's car, here we go... this is it we're all done with high school

we made it to my house and i said my goodbyes to both of the girls and walked in to chris and my parents sitting on the couch.

"chris!" i hugged him

"nazi!" he hugged me tightly

"are you ready to go to california?" i asked


"we're ready." we told our parents

my parents know. chris knows. johnson knows. gilinksy knows. sammy knows. stephanie knows. melanie knows. everyone important to me knows. but matt.

"remember to take good are of your little sister." my father told my brother

"i know how to take care of myself." i giggled

"yea dad we'll be okay. were both grown up enough." chris joked because we weren't 'grown up enough'

*there was really no point in writing this part but im not deleting it so you can skip it. if you want*

we landed in california and took an uber to our aunts house. she was the chill aunt of the family.

"have you told aunt mary?" chris asked

"nope.." i said

"you're going to have to..." he said

"i will just maybe next week." i smiled

we arrived to her huge house and saw her disgusting thirteen year olds; jenna and jacob.

"nazi!" jenna's voice scratched my ears., she ran to hug me and chris

"thank god you guys are here, she driving us crazy." jacob said obviously speaking of their mother

"how?" chris laughed

"she is an emotional wreck." jacob said

"what why?" i asked

"who knows.." jenna said

"i think its time you tell her," chris said and i nodded

"aunt mary?" i knocked on her door

"nazi is that you? you're here already!" she opened her door and pulled me in her room

"why have you even crying?"

"im not sure.. you're uncle a pain in the ass." she said

"what happened?"

"he left.." she said

"im sorry..." i said

"it's not you're fault." of course it isn't

"do you want to hear something that may make you a lot happier?"

"of course."

"im pregnant.." i bit my lip waiting for her response

she smiled "you can't be." "there's something living in there?" she asked i nodded

"that's the greatest news i've heard all day! you're going to be a mother.." she paused we smile fading away

"and the father?"

"umm.. that the hard part."

"you see the father is an amazing boy., he loves to play football and got a full scholarship to stanford but i broke it off before he even knew so it would cause less pain.."

"so he doesn't know?" she asked

"not at all.."

"you're planing to tell him right?"

"it never occurs to me.. mary i can't ruin his dreams." i said

"you're going to have to.." she said

"i know and i will soon..."


authors note;

i cut it short because i didn't know what else to write for this part of the book. like who gives a fuck about the aunt? honestly? but anyways... matt and nazi aren't in that weird stage anymore so yea sorry if im boring you so byeeeeee


-ya girl m👼💦

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