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"thanks for everything sam" I kissed his cheek

"anytime babe."  he hugged me

I recently brought my own house, and it was close to my fathers house yet close to sam's house. mason had grown a lot, he knows how to walk. he talks some what but still mumbles. life has gone better fast in the pass year.. like a lot


"so basically everyone from high school is in california ?" she asked

"yup.. everyone." he said

"even nate?" she cracked a smile

"yes even nate, he misses you." he giggled a bit

"i don't know why he stopped talking to me.., i still wanted to be friends.."

"i know maybe when i get to california i'll tell him i to call you.." he said

"i hope he's okay..,"

"im sure he is." he smiled

"you better get mason." he said because of masons crying

she brought him downstairs,

"anyways who else is in california?"

"the jacks as you may already know... stephanie and melanie." before he could finish she said

"without me? those bitches."

"wait is everyone your listing living together or have contact together?" she asked

"yea they all live in the same household.."

"and you're going to live with them." her stomach swirled into a knot knowing they, her best friends didn't invite her

"they all decided to take online classes rather then actually to school, and they all moved together." the knot in her stomach got tighter within every word he said

"who else is living there.. from you know high school?"

"um.. matt.." he said not making eye connection

"oh.. well have fun in california samantha," she kissed his cheek

"i'll be sure to call you one million times,"

"and ill be sure to respond those one million times,"

"im going to miss you and mason a lot." he looked at mason

"yea yea just go before you miss your flight." she laughed and wave goodbye before he drove off her drive way

"boy i didn't think people hated me that much, especially the ones i called my friends, or best friends i should say mason." she said as put mason down to play with his toys

she went through her instagram feed, which she always had no time to check. she actually thought about stalking stephanie and melanie's profiles but realized she didn't care anymore. her whole feed was full of people she didn't talk to anymore, mainly because she thinks they'll judge her.

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