Do It Yourself

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The man threw the dark, wooden, chair across the room. He yelled obscenities, and the cold, blue fire that provided the only light, flared, it's reflection making it seem as though the fire was everywhere. Finally, breathing heavily, the King of Darkness sat on his throne. He glared at the scrying ball that floated in front of him. It showed Callum sitting on the leafy floor of a forest. He held Ella to his chest protectively, refusing to let her go.

The King's jaw tightened. His warriors had failed. Callum was still alive, and Ella was in his arms. If anything, things were a thousand times worse.

One wish. One simple wish. A wish that could grant him unlimited happiness. That was all he wanted, so why was it so hard to achieve? Why couldn't he kill the boy, get the girl, and live happily ever after?

The King sank back into his throne, a frustrated sigh leaving his mouth. Life could be hard, gruelling, and torturous. It was never always kind to be people, and he didn't believe in luck. He did, however, believe that he deserved something good in his life, something beautiful that he could keep in his arms. Or rather, someone. Someone named Ella...

He loved her, there was no doubt about that, but she didn't know who he was, and if she did... he doubted she would give him half a chance. That was understandable, after he'd seen what the Cursed had done to her, he understood her fear and resentment, but what if he was someone else? Someone who wasn't evil, who took her as she was and loved her all the more for it. Would she love him back then?

Honestly, he didn't know. Ella had never shown any interest in the other, undeniably more handsome men. She didn't go looking for her Match, or even temporary relationships. The question wasn't about whether she would love him or not, it was about whether she could love anyone.

Could she? He wondered.

The King of Darkness thought back over the past two years, trying to remember if there was someone Ella had loved and cared for. Suddenly, he sat up straight.

Yes, he thought. She could love someone.

Leo. The man who had been her father since she was found. Ella loved him more than she would care to admit. He was, after all, her father in all but name. And, the King gathered, if she could love someone as a father, she could care for him as her lover.

It was brilliant, but there was one flaw; getting Ella. His warriors were useless, he had no spies, and he couldn't send Trent to do it. But what if...

What if he did it himself?

What if he dramatically kicked down the doors, pulled her into his arms, reduced Callum to little more than cinders and dragged his black haired beauty back to his palace? It could happen, he decided, but he wanted something big. Something that would attract a lot of attention.

Another idea struck the King. It was Prince Callum's birthday in three weeks, and he was undoubtedly throwing a birthday ball. It would be perfect... and he just might find Ella wearing a lovely dress. He smiled at the thought of Ella wearing something stunning as she sighed happily when he first kissed her. The King couldn't help but imagine her sigh, which led to her lips, which led to a thorough investigation of her entire body.

Yes, he thought, if you want something done right, do it yourself.

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