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~Roxie's P.O.V.~

"Roxie, I'm bored. Could I turn on the radio?" My best friend, Rachel, asked me from across the room.

"Yeah go ahead," I said without looking up from the game I was playing on my iPhone. We were at my house, in my room, chillin’. It was the beginning of summer and since school just ended, we had a lot of time on our hands, but didn’t have any idea how to spend it at the time, and there wasn't much to do.

Rachel sighed and turned on my stereo. It was in the middle of the song "Somebody that I Use to Know". I heard her plop back on to my bed with a groan.

"I'm so bored. Can't we go outside for a bit?" she asked. I looked at her in disbelief.

"Rachel, it's raining out," I exclaimed, pointing at the widow.

"I don't care."        

"Well I do." Rachel sat up and groaned again.

"You want to play zombies again?"

"You're kidding, right? We played that for three hours strait, and my dad just told us to get off it," I said, staring at her, shifting in my beanbag chair.

Rachel’s one of those people who can't find much to do when there's no school. She's a pretty girl, but would never admit it. She always says that she isn't, even if I tell her every time the subject comes up. She has a pretty sassy side to her too. She knows how to make anyone laugh, even if she’s not trying to. I'd say she’s a kid in a 17 year old body. Or 17 year young, is what she would say. As for her looks: she's 5.4", has dirty blond hair, (more brown than blond), blue gray eyes. I say that she looks a little like Acacia Clark, but every time I tell her that, she’d just say I'm seeing things.

A familiar tune started playing on the radio.


Hey girl I'm waiting on ya, I'm waiting on ya...

Rachel and I stared at each other, then screamed. Rachel quickly jumped off the bed and cranked the stereo to full blast. I had speakers at all corners of my room and could feel the floor begin to vibrate. Rachel and I began singing the chorus.


Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy, till we see the sun

I know we only met but let's pretend it's love,

And never, never, never, stop for anyone

Tonight let's get some, and live while we're young...


We sang till the song ended. When it was over Rachel turned the stereo down to normal.

"Well that was fun," Rachel chirped with a laugh then sat in my other beanbag chair beside me. I chuckled, staring at the wall dreamily.

I'm one of those girls who like to daydream a lot. I think about things a lot. I don't know why I just do. My age and my height would surprise some people. You see I'm only 4’8" and that’s really short for an 18 year old. I guess it's partly because my mom’s a Filipino "I wish we could meet One Direction," I said dreamily.

"Yeah, me too. That would be so awesome," Rachel said as she smiled and stared at the floor. Someone cleared their throat and I looked up to see my dad leaning in the door way of my room.

"Umm... Hi...?" I said awkwardly. He crossed his arms and gave me this look.

"How many times do I have to tell you, young lady, to stop turning your music up so loud?" I rolled my eyes at him. My dad never understood why I liked my music so loud. Music was my life, what I lived for, what kept me going every day.

I'll Be There in a Heartbeat (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now