Chapter 1

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~Roxie's P.O.V.~

Slowly, I opened my eyes and blinked. I looked around and realized that I was on a plane, but I couldn't remember why. I noticed that Rachel was sitting in the seat by the window to my right and on the other side was my brother, Eli. I jumped slightly, wondering why he was with us.

"Good morning everyone, this is your Captain speaking. We're about to land soon, so please fasten your seat belts and put your seats in its upright position. Thank you." The Pilot said.

I yawned then stretched, trying to wake myself up. My back cracked from the uncomfortable position I laid in. I knew I should know already why Rachel and My brother were on a plane with me, but nothing clicked.

 I began trying to wake Rachel up. "Rachel..." My voice was raspy from sleep so I cleared my throat and tried again. "Rachel come on, wake up..." Still no response. I rolled my eyes, finally just giving up on speaking and just slapped her arm.

"Ow!" Her eyes shot open, glaring at me when she realized what I did. She wined, "What cha do that for?"

"I was trying to wake you up," I stated.

"Obviously." She grumbled, still glaring at me. I rolled my eyes playfully and laughed.

"What's with all the yelling, ya ninny? I’m trying to sleep here," My brother grumbled from being woken up.

"Oh, sorry." I said sarcastically. Rachel chuckled.

"Is everything okay?" I looked up and noticed my mom had turned back in her seat and was staring at us. Oh great my mom’s here too? I smiled slightly then shrugged. A few seconds later I saw my dad coming down the aisle. My dad too? What the hell is going on? My dad took his seat.

"Where we're you?" I asked him.

"Oh. I was in the wash-" I held my hand up, signaling for him to stop.

"Okay stop. I don't need to know that, thank you." Dad laughed and raised his hands up in mock surrender. I chuckled then leaned back in my seat and looked out the window as the plane started to land.

I noticed Rachel staring my way, smiling. I smiled back. I was still trying to figure out why we were on a plane.

Were we supposed to meet someone?

Then, suddenly, it clicked. We were going to New York City, but not only that; we were going to meet one of the famous bands in the world... We were going to meet One Direction.


 The plane had finally landed and everyone was getting their things out of the overhead compartments and from under the seats.

"Roxie are you Okay?" Rachel asked concerned. My dad had gone to ask someone to get my wheel chair. I could feel my heart beating harder and my breathing became faster as the thought of meeting One Direction finally settled into my mind. I was excited and nervous at the same time.

"Umm..." I took a deep breath and swallowed hard. "I'm sort of ... freaking out."

"Seriously Roxie! Girl, take a chill pill."

I laughed at her nervously. "Okay..."

Once someone came with my chair, I got in, then started wheeling myself off the plane. My dad began pushing me as we got closer to the baggage claim. As we made our way through the airport I spotted someone holding a sign with our last name one it.

"I wonder who that is." I wondered aloud to my dad, pointing to the young man. The guy was wearing a hoodie, which was weird because it was the middle of the summer and he was also wearing sun glasses... inside?

I'll Be There in a Heartbeat (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now