Chapter 8

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~Liam's P.O.V.~

I could say dinner went smoothly, but then I would be lying. Rachel and Niall wouldn't stop fussing about. They kept trying to steal each other's food, which I found funny, watching them fight over food. Louis kept trying to get Rachel's attention but she didn't seem interested in talking to him. He grew quiet. Strangely quiet-it was giving me the creeps.

Roxie's mom left for a minute then came back with a pitcher of blue Kool-Aid and set it on the table. Roxie pored herself a glass.

"So Roxie. I was wondering what you have." She stared at me with a questioning look. "You know... um... why you can't walk..." I felt very awkward asking her, but I really wanted to know. I wanted to know her.

She took a sip of her drink then cleared her throat.

"Oh yeah. Um... Why don't I just tell everyone? That way I don't have to tell it more than once." I nodded and tried to get everyone's attention. It took a bit longer 'cause Niall and Rachel were having some sort of playful fist fight, but they soon calmed down and Roxie was able to begin, "Well. I guess I'm sort of considered a miracle child." She glanced at her parents and smiled. "When I was still in my mother's... erm... womb I guess you could say. I had a brain stroke and was born floppy, like I had no muscle. I barely even cried. My parents took me to doctor after doctor, they all said the same thing. 'I would never walk' was one of them, but they also said that I would never talk or be able to move myself at all." I laughed. "I know right. I'm mean look at me. I can move and I can talk." Zayn, Louis, and Harry chuckled and I smiled at her.

"Have you seen any of those doctors who said that?" Louis asked, smirking. Roxie nodded.

"Yeah I did. You should have seen the look on this one doctor's face. He was like..." Roxie made a silly shocked face and everyone laughed including her. We finished dinner and Zayn cleared his throat and stood up.

"Could I be excused for a moment?" He asked nervously. Dina nodded and he head toward the glass door. I realized what he was going to do.

"Where you going." Roxie asked and everyone stared in Zayn's direction. He slid the door open then paused.

"Smoke." He said simply.

"What about dessert?" Zayn shrugged then left, sliding the door closed behind him. Soon dessert was served. It was delicious. I don't think I've never tasted such good brownies in my life.

"So what do you guys think we should do after?" Rachel asked.

"After what?" Louis asked her. Rachel rolled her eyes.

"After dessert. Duh!"

"Well sorry. I didn't know," he sassed.

"Yes you did."

"Nu uh."


"Nu uh."


"Nu uh."


"Nu uh." With each 'nu uh' Louis' face inched closer and closer to Rachel's face till their noses were practically touching. I could tell she was getting very irritated. Louis smirked and she flicked his nose causing him to flinch. Roxie began cracking up.

"Ow." Louis whined grasping his nose. "What was that for?" His voice sounded weird cause he was pinching his nose.

"Cause that's just what I do, mofo." Rachel said sassily. Niall laughed loudly and slapped the table, trying to control himself. Zayn came back into the room, looking around with a confused look on his face.

I'll Be There in a Heartbeat (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now