Chapter 22

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~Roxie's P.O.V.~

I entered house to see what my mom had made us for supper. The others were still outside, goofing off with Louis. Apparently Louis had to do waddle around like a penguin and yell 'I'm a big fat idiot' for an hour and he still had about ten minutes left to go. I was getting bored of watching him and didn't find it as funny. When I came into the kitchen I found someone else there who was not my mom. She was cooking something on the stove and her back was to me.

"Hello?" I asked. The woman turned and I gasped when I finally saw who it was. "Elena?" I asked surprised. The woman nodded with a smile and came over to me, engulfing me in a hug.

"Mahal! Kumusta ka? Naiwan ako sayo kaya magkano." (Sweetheart! How are you? I've missed you so much) I chuckled slightly at what she said. I wasn't use to other people talking Filipino to me except for my mom. Elena was one of my mom's long list of cousins. She lived with us for a while till she moved to New York with her husband and step-daughter.

"I'm doing well thanks. How are you?" I replied, pulling away.

"I'm good, thank you. I, sorry I forget you don't speak Filipino." She chuckled in embarrassment.

"Oh, no worries. Even though I don't really speak it, I can understand." I smiled. We continued chatting as she cooked the food. When my mom came back we began chatting up a storm. When the food was almost finished I went to set the table. I finished and went back into the kitchen just as Louis ran by the entrance towards the bathroom, screaming at the top of him lungs.

"Louis, shut up!" I hollered at him. He came into the kitchen a few minutes later.

"Well I can't help it if I don't like having a fish thrown in my face." He sassed.

"Who the hell threw a fish at you?"


"And how in the world did she get a fish?" he shrugged. "So she got a fish... somehow... and just threw it at you?" Rachel chuckled from behind him.

"Pfft. I didn't throw it in his face; more like, rubbed it in." Rachel and I laughed while Louis glared at her, crossing his arms. Elena cleared her throat suddenly making me embarrassed for not introducing her.

"Oh I'm sorry. Elena this is my best friend Rachel and my friend Louis. Guys this is my mom's cousin, Elena Short. She used to live with us before she moved here."

"Nice to meet you, Elena." Rachel said extending her hand out for her to shake. I noticed Louis was glaring at me and I gave him questioning look.

"Louis? Bitch please, I'm Superman." He sassed, making the 'z' snap before leaving the room. Rachel gave us an apologetic shrug and went after him. I apologized to Elena for Louis' sassyness and somewhat rudeness. She said it was okay and began setting the food on the table while I went to get the others and told them to get cleaned up before dinner. The boys went to their place and Rachel and I went to get changed out of our bathing suits before we ate.

After Rachel and I changed we headed to the dining room where everyone was. The guys, Rachel and I decided to eat different places. Since Dad and Eli were out I knew there would a bit more food left over.

Wait no. Niall's here, I remembered. Rachel, Niall, Zayn and Louis took their food to the deck and Liam, Harry, and I ate with my mom and Elena. The conversation with Elena was great. We really got caught up on the stuff we missed together. She also told me how Larissa, her step daughter-also my bestfriend-, was doing. Liam made sure though that Elena wouldn't tell anyone that they were staying here.

After we finished eating, mom cleaned off the table just as Niall came screaming into the house. He was being chased by Rachel who had a hand full of Mac and cheese. Niall got cornered and Rachel threw the mac and cheese at him, hitting him square in the face. Niall fell to the floor like he died. I chuckled as Rachel rolled him onto his back.

~Rachel's P.O.V.~
I rolled Niall onto his back and slapped his shoulder trying to get him to open his eyes. I saw a small smile tugging at his lips. I stayed quiet for a minute, wondering what he would do if he thought I wasn't here. His lips made a kissy face and I chuckled, remembering the "Call Me Maybe" video.

"Niall!" I yelled in his ear causing his eyes to flash open. He sat up pouting and wiped the macaroni and cheese off his face then ate it. It seemed to me that he was expecting something else and I wondered if he was expecting me to kiss him when he made the kissy face. Roxie chuckled as I went back out and sat beside Louis.

"How goes the war?" Zayn asked.

"Oh it goes well. I hit him square in the face," I laughed and Zayn chuckled. Niall came out and Louis screamed, pointing at him.

"He's alive! It's a zombie, Rachel run!" With that said, Louis took off running towards their house. Zayn did a little wussy scream, jumped over the rail and climbed up a tree. I was the only one left. I stared at Niall with a slight smirk on my face. He smiled evilly at me and I took off running in the direction Louis ran. I ran after Louis as well and soon found myself in their back yard. I stopped for a minute then saw someone flash my and I followed. As soon as I reached the pool I felt someone's arms go around my waist and we both fell into the pool. When I came up Louis was just staring at me.

"Louis, what the hell?!" I yelled making him chuckle. "Now I have to change again." I began to get out of the pool when he grabbed my arm and I stared at him.

"Rachel... I... I just want to know... Did that kiss mean anything to you? I mean... did you even feel anything?" I bit my lip as I stared at him. Yes, I felt everything. I felt the whole frickin zoo. I must have taken too long to answer 'cause he hung his head and let go of my arm. This was just too much. I couldn't understand why I couldn't say anything to him. He was just about to get out when I grabbed him, spun him around and smashed my lips against his. He was shocked at first but when he realized what was happening he kissed back. My hand found their way to his hair and he smiled through the kiss. Everything just felt so right at that moment. I didn't want it to end, but in the back of my mind, I knew was doing something teribly wrong.

I'll Be There in a Heartbeat (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now