Chapter 3

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~Rachel's P.O.V.~

"Roxie!" I called as soon as stepped off the bus. I wanted to tell her what just happened. She stopped and turned to see who was calling her.

"What?" She asked as I caught up.

"Guess what just happened!?!" I didn't let her reply I was too excited. "I just talked to Louis Tomlinson!" I said then began fangirling.

"Yeah. I know. You like grabbed the phone from me, remember?" Roxie chuckled a bit near the end of her sentence and I mentally slapped myself. Thanks for stating the obvious, Rachel.

"So... What'd he say?" Roxie asked with a smile.

"He called me babe!" I squealed and Roxie smiled then began following the others. I notice they we getting farther away.

"Rachel, he says that to almost every girl."

"I know but he said it to me. Me of all people!" I said excitedly. Roxie chuckled.

"What else did he say?" She asked.

"He said that he likes my voice... And that I must have a great singing voice too..." I mumbled under my breath then came to a stop. I didn't think my voice was that great. I mean I'm just me. Boring old Rachel.

Roxie raised her eyebrows. "See! I told you. If Louis aver heard your voice-"

"He would say it sounded amazing. I know, I know." I muttered, cutting her off and rolled my eyes. I replayed everything Louis had said to me in my head and smiled. "Oh MY Gosh! Oh MY Gosh! Oh MY Gosh! I still can't believe I talked to Louis freaking Tomlinson." I shrieked, jumping up and down. I stopped when I noticed Roxie smiling at me funny.

"What?" I asked and she just burst into laughter. "What?" I asked her again, wanting to know why she was laughing at me.

"You're fangirling over the fact that you talked to Louis and you're squealing like a five year old girl." She said between heaps of laughter. Immediately I stopped smiling and remembered the bet I had with Eli.

"Oh dang." I huffed. "Louis, ... I blame you for this." Roxie and I stared at each other for a second before bursting into laughter. After trying to stop and regain our breath I remembered something Louis wanted me to tell Roxie. "Oh! Louis wanted me to tell you that the guys are coming too."

"Oh my gosh, really?" She squealed then covered her mouth. "Dang. Now I sound like a five year old." She laughed, embarrassed.

I suddenly remembered that I still had Liam's phone still in my hand and held it to her. "Here!"

"Why are you giving it to me? Give it to Liam, it's his phone." I looked up and noticed that we were just a few feet away from McDonald's and Liam was holding the door open, patiently waiting for us. I turned back to Roxie and shoved the phone into her hand.

"I don't care whose phone it is, just take it." I walked up to Liam and smiled at him before entering. I had a smile across my face as thought of Louis. I couldn't believe I talked to him. I felt like fangirling again but tried to hold it in. I was on cloud nine, life couldn't be better. All this smiling gave me an idea and knew what I wanted for lunch.

"I want a Happy Meal." I announced to no one in particular. I heard Liam and Roxie laugh behind me and got some odd stares from people, but I didn't care.

~Roxie's P.O.V.~

I went in after Rachel then stopped to wait for Liam.

"I want a Happy Meal." She announced as Liam came in and stopped beside me.

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