Chapter 20

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~Roxie's P.O.V.~

I watched in sheer horror as Rachel fell out of the tree, screaming. My heart was pounding and everything suddenly seemed to go into slow motion. I gasped then sighed in relief when Rachel landed in Louis arms. I hurriedly made my way over to the tree. Louis set her down as I got there.

"Oh my gosh! Rachel, are you okay?" I asked frantically. Rachel looked at me, nodded, (I could tell she was still in shock of it all) and then looked back at Louis. He slowly removed his arm from her shoulder and took a step back. He was staring at he in the stragest way. Like he just seemed to figure something out.

"I'm sorry but do you have a map?" He asked. Rachel gave him a confused look then shook her head.

"What? No. Why?" She chuckled, blushing slightly.

"Cause I just got lost in your eyes." I smiled, watching Rachel cover her bright red cheeks. She smiled at Louis, giggling.

"Um... Why don't I go find you one." Rachel and Louis chuckled. Zayn jumped out of the tree and went over to Rachel.

"You okay, Rachel?" He asked putting his hand on her shoulder. She nodded.

Rachel made no notice of the way Louis was gawking at her. Or maybe she was trying to hide that she did?

We all made our way back to the porch. I could hear Rachel talking with Louis as they made their way up the steps. Zayn was walking beside me. I could tell he wanted to say something.

"So... um..." Zayn mumbled awkwardly. Because of what happened earlier that day, Zayn seemed more shy around me and I just felt awkward around him. But I didn't want that to get between our friendship. I had never really like Zayn as anything more than a friend, but I guess my lips betrayed me.

I stopped in front of the table and locked my chair in place beside Liam. Liam was talking with Louis and Harry and Rachel was sitting with Niall on the swinging bench. Rachel said something to him and he laughed. I suddenly felt out of place again. Everyone was talking to someone except for me. I always found it hard to work my way into a conversation. I sighed, folding my arms on the table and rested my chin on my hands.

"Babe, is there something wrong?" I blushed, looking down at the table and shook my head at Liam's question. "You sure?" he asked placing him hand on my back and rubbed it gently. I nodded then looked at him.

"What time is it?" I asked and he looked down at his watch.

"Are you bored to death or something, Roxie?" Louis chuckle and I laughed shaking my head.

"No... well maybe. Yeah I definitely am bored." I chuckled and Liam did as well.

"It's a little after two." Liam replied. I groaned, placing my head in my hands.

"I'm so bored." I whined and Harry chuckled.

"Girl you've got One Direction hanging out with you and you're bored?" He announced receiving a few chuckles from the boys and Rachel.

"Well we're not really doing anything."

"What would you like us to do then?" Liam asked with a slight smirk on his lips. I smiled nervously at him and mumbled.

"Can you guys sing to us...?"

Liam grinned."How 'bout it lads?" The boys nodded and stood up from their seats. Niall got up from the bench and stood by the others. I took his seat and sat next to Rachel who was grinning like an idiot. What was she and Niall talking about, I wondered. The boys stood in a line in front of us.

I'll Be There in a Heartbeat (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now