Chaptet 19

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~Roxie's P.O.V.~

"Canon ball!" Louis screamed as he jumped in the water, fully clothed I might add. Rachel, Harry, Niall, then Liam jumped in after him. I wheeled myself to the end of the dock and watched them swim around and splash each other.

"Hey Roxie, why don't you come in." Liam asked after a while. I shook my head.

"I don't feel like it right now." I muttered then slipped out of my chair and sat on the edge of the dock, dangling my feet in the cool, salty water.

"Oh, come on." Liam whined coming over to me, holding onto the dock.

"Not right now, Li, sorry." I gave him a 'I'm sorry' smile and he nodded. I stared down at his chest. How his wet shirt clung to his body, showing off his perfectly toned abs. Staring at them made my stomach do flips. Liam was watching the others so he did catch me staring.

I continued to stare at his abs until I realized he was staring back at me and I turned away blushing of embarrassment. Liam chuckled and pulled his shirt off causing me to lose my breath. I looked away slowly and took a deep breath. I felt like my stomach was in my throat and I could hardly breathe. Liam crossed his arms on the dock and laid his head down as he stared at me.

"Come on... Please." He whined again stretching out his words.

"Liam, whining is not gonna get me to change my-" He interrupted me by stealing a kiss and plopping back into the water. I stared into space flabbergasted. That was only the second time he kissed me, but it still felt the same as the first.

"Hey Roxie, if you don't come in you'll be the one cleaning up the mess." Louis yelled, but I didn't answer. I was still in my own little world of dreams. A splash of water brought me back to reality.

"Hey!" I yelled and Louis laughing at me. I splashed water back at him with my foot, successfully getting him in the face. Louis laughed again and soon everyone was trying to plash me with water.

"Liam, help me." I whined trying to keep myself from getting wet. I opened my eyes for a second and realized he was also splashing me.

"Liam! Stop!" I yelled a bit louder, but it didn't help.

"Get in the water and I'll get them to stop."

"That's blackmail. You can't do that to me." They finally stopped and Liam stared at me, smirking before diving back into the water. I looked down at myself, trying to figure out what Liam was staring at and noticed my clothes were soaking wet and my bra was clearly visible. I gasped covering myself with my arms then looked up to see if anyone else saw. Someone did and that someone was Harry. That pervert! He turned away trying act like he wasn't even looking in my direction. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. I guess I'll have to change again.

I groaned as I turned to get in my chair but instead I felt someone lift me up and set me in the chair. I looked up and realized it was Zayn.

"Hey." I said shyly. "Um... thanks."

"No problem. The lads got you pretty good didn't they?" He chuckled, eyeing me. I remembered that my shirt was somewhat see threw 'cause I was wet and I tried to cover myself, crossing my arms over my chest, shivering slightly. He chuckled again then began pushing me towards the house.

~Rachel's P.O.V.~

I dove off the diving dock and swam under the water for a bit before coming back up for air and suddenly got plashed in the face.

"Hey!" I shrieked in alarm, pouncing onto the person and pushed him under. Immediately I was pulled down with him. I opened my eyes trying to see who had pulled me under. It was Louis. He smiled at me and swished some water at me and I did the same to him. Soon I couldn't hold my breath any longer and resurfaced.

I'll Be There in a Heartbeat (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now